the Rich and the Poor

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The richest person in the world is no different from the poorest person in the world except everything.

What if the rich and the poor meet?

What deres will we explore? How careful is the poorest one? How caring is the richest one?

What secret do they both hold from each other? What déjà vu will start again but remain a happy ending instead?

What type of pain will be released? What was carried onto both shoulders? What are the problems they will face?

Miku: "I AM HERE SORRY I- huh" Miku stopped running and put her hand down staring at Rin and Kaito then Len.

Rin, knowing miku's innocent confusion and her care for her best friend she will do. Rin silently cried with fake tears as Miku widened her eyes slightly panicking "I'm being attacked by Len and kaito! Save me Miku!" She fake pleaded.

Miku, now understanding the situation slid her leeks onto her hands from her sleeves (no idea don't ask me) pointing them at the boys who cowered and got away from Rin, running away only to be chased by an angered Miku "WHO DARED YOU TO HURT MY BEST FRIEND?"

Len/Kaito: "NOT USSSSS" the sound echoed

Rin: Sakura does not own Vocaloids

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