How you meet ♡

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You sat at a table in the library studying for your exams. There was no one else in the libraey so you took advantage of it. Yoy were a very well brought up girl, since your parents were both lawyers. You always wanted to be a detective even though it wasn't the same as being a lawyer. You stared at you book taking in all the important information. You sighed running your fingers through your hair. "This is harder than I thought" you thought to yourself. You stood up and started to stretch considering you had been studying for a good 2 hours in that chart. You close your eyes taking a deep breath then let it out. When you open your eyes you sat back in the chair, studying again. This exam would determine what collage you would go to, what your job would be, so basically your own future. That's all you would think of at that moment.

"Hey did you mind if I sat here? I hope I'm not disturbing you" a voice interrupts your train of thought.

You look up to meet eyes with a handsome man around your age.

You blushed, "Oh sure I don't mind" you moved your books out of his way. The man sits down in front of you taking out a few books, "I'm Light yagami, and you are?" He holds out his hand.

You shake his hand "It's nice to meet you Light, I'm (FULL NAME)".

Light's eyes widen "Your the daughter of the 2 best lawyers in Japan?".

You nod " Yes but personally I'm not into the whole lawyer thing, I more into being a detective".

Light chuckles "I can tell" he points to your books.

You smile, you were very interested in light. You thought you two could be very good friends. The 2 of you study together, took notes, and just talked about regular stuff.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry I have to go now my parents will kill me if I'm not home soon" you say gathering your books into your bag.

Light frowns sadly "Oh okay, can I have your phone number?".

You smile "Yeah that sounds great" you wrote your number down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

"Call me Light! I'll see you soon!" You say running out the library, leaving Light grinning to himself.


You sat alone at cake shop, eating your favorite strawberry cake (Sorry if you don't like strawberry cake. You can change it to a different cake). You stared out the window thinking. The only thing you could think about was the Kira case. You were a undercover police officer, the Kira case had came to you attention about a year ago. "Was Kira really justice or was he the real criminal?...Of course he was a criminal what am I thinking?!" You thought to yourself.

"May I sit here? all the other table are full" A low voice says.

You look up to see a man with black hair and grey eyes. He was very good looking man and his voice was deep.

"Uh, yes you can sit there" you say looking back out the window.

The man sets his cake down then sits on the chair, in a weird way that catches your attention. At first you thought it was weird but after a while of looking at him, you thought it was pretty cute.

"May I ask what you're thinking about?" the man asks curiously.

You jump surprised "Oh I was just thinking about some things at work, is all".

"Hmm so you're a police officer?" He whispers to you.

Your eyes widen "how did u know?".

"You seems like a person who can get through hard problems by thinking, also I can see your badge in your purse" he smirks while taking a bit of his cake.

You blush then turn away "I really need to put it somewhere don't I?".

He chuckles "Probably I'm L by the way".

You smile "I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you".

And that's how your amazing adventure together began.


You sat on the ground of the toy store,stocking the shelves with new toys and best selling toys. You worked at that little toy store for about a year now, you loved your job. You got up admiring your work, you started to walk around the store. No one else was the store that day, no one except you. You walked to the skateboards, "It wouldn't hurt if I took a little ride on one. No one is here anyway" you thought to yourself, picking up one of the long boards. (If you don't know how to ride a skateboard, then pretend it's a bike or something else with wheels). You put the skate board on the ground, then stared pushing yourself around the store. Once you came to a nice fast speed, you began to do tricks. While you were doing down the ball and lago aisle a man came around the corner right in front of you. You panicked trying to stop the board quickly but you ran over a ball on the floor making the board flip. You fall flat on your face, the man was quiet.

"Are you okay miss?" He walks over and helps you up.

He looked about your age, his hair was grey and so was his eyes. He seemed very childish though.

"Yes, I'm alright" You say trying to stand straight, but fail.

The man grabs your waist and takes you to the front of the store so you could sit down.

He sits in front of you "I'm Near" he smiles.

"I'm (FULL NAME)" you say blushing.

Near stayed with you tell the store closed. He even walked you home that day, after you gave him your number. Near was worried that if he left you alone in the store, you might get hurt again. He doesn't want you to get hurt at all, even though you just met.

Mello~ (Sorry this one is kinda short)

"Hmmmmm..." You stared at all the different candies, not sure what to get.

You came to this exact same candy shop every week for the past 2 years, and you always got something different to try. It wasn't a huge candy shop, but you still liked going there because of the different selections of candy.

A man walks over by you also staring at the candy he looks over at you, "Having a hard time picking a candy?".

You look back at him, "Uh Yes, I come here a lot I always pick something different though".

He smiles, "Same here, but I always like to get chocolate with it. The chocolate is the best here".

You nod then giggle "Yeah it's pretty good, I'm (Y/N)".

"I'm Mello" he says.

You guys helped pick out candy together and got to know each other better. Before you left, he gave you his number so you guys could hang out again.

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