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Prologue-Christmas Eve, 1975

The Evan's Household

Snow fell slowly outside, adding to the snow that had already accumulated from the previous day. The lampposts shone dimly in the slowly darkening night, making the snow sparkle as the light caught it in short bursts along the sidewalk. But for Lily Evans, the prettiest thing she saw was the live Christmas tree that she and her dad had decorated earlier that afternoon.

The fir tree was rather tall, but the star had a few inches before it brushed the roof. Lily stared into the twinkling lights as she tried to tune out of the conversation her parents were having with Petunia and her rather large boyfriend.

"-was telling me that you're studying construction in University, Vernon?" Her mother asked cheerfully. Oh, Lily thought, that's right. His name was Vernon something.

"Yes," Vernon said gruffly. "I'll be graduating this spring as a matter of fact."

Lily groaned inwardly. Her whole night couldn't be go like this. For Merlin's sake, it was Christmas Eve! She caught Severus's eye across the room, and mouthed "help me". She and Severus were pretty close friends, and it was still tradition that he came over for Christmas Eve.

"Excuse me, Mr. Potter?" Severus interrupted politely, cutting through the drone of Vernon's talk about the new firm he was interviewing with.

"Would you mind if Lily and I went for a walk?" Lily didn't like the knowing look her parents shared one bit. There was nothing between them, they were just friends. Besides, Severus was pining after Jenny Fortescue, according to her best friend Mary MacDonald.

"Of course Severus." Her mother said cheerfully. "Make sure you both bundle up, it's colder out there than it was this morning."

Lily sprung to her feet gratefully, as Severus joined her in the hallway. Both pulled on coats, hats, mittens, and scarves. Her red and gold scarf sharply contrasted his green and silver one, but neither mentioned it.

Lily closed the front door behind Severus, and they went down the front walk. As they made their way down the street, Lily brought up O.W.L.'s.

"Do you think that Sinastra was right about them testing us on the theory behind each constellation's name?" She asked worriedly, looking over at Severus. He gave a noncommittal shrug, his hands shoved deep in his pockets, seemingly lost in thought.

"Severus?" She prodded him, as they passed under a streetlight. He looked over at her, startled, and hurried to answer her.

"Maybe, but the practice O.W.L.'s I've been doing test mainly on being able to correctly chart and name constellations at a set time. I'm sure you do fine Lily." Lily let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Astronomy was one of Lily's weakest subjects, and she worried about it constantly.

Talk of O.W.L.'s and practice exams carried them for awhile as they walked, the snow falling harder and harder. They eventually decided to wait it out in Severus's house as the snow was falling so heavily at this point Lily was afraid they would get lost trying to get back to her house. They eventually made their way into the side of Severus's yard. The lights were off, the house looking dark and cold, and the snow deep and unshoveled. Severus forced the back gate open with his shoulder, and Lily followed him in, taking great care not to get snow all up her legs.

It was of no use though. By the time they made it up to the back porch, both had snow caked up their legs; Lily had snow up to her waist, and Severus had snow nearly up to the tops of his thighs.

"What time will your parents be home tonight?" Lily asked, shivering as he hunted for the key to unlock the back door.

"Not 'till tomorrow night." Severus said neutrally, pushing the back door open. A rush of cold wind hit them and slammed the door closed behind them. The house was just as cold on the inside as it was outside, and Severus hurried to start a fire in the fireplace. Lily opted to keep her coat on, and called her parents to let them know that Severus and her were safe, but she might have to stay the night if the snow didn't let up.


Lily was much warmer now. There was a steady fire going, and at Severus's insistence she had changed into some of his clothes so she wouldn't stay in wet clothes. Her coat, hat, mittens, and scarf were drying by the fire. Lily hung Severus's stuff up to dry while he had been changing. Snow was still falling heavily outside, and Lily knew she was going to have to stay the night.

Severus had brought down all the blankets he owned from his room and Lily pulled some cushions out of the couch; they had assembled a sort of nest of blankets and pillows by the fire. Sometime earlier, Severus had found several bottles of firewhiskey, and they were curled up against each other and comfortably drunk.

"It's too bad about all this snow." Lily sighed, the bottle in her hand tipping precariously before she righted it. "I helped Mum make your favorite cake, Sev."

"Mmmm," Severus murmured. "That's always my second favorite part of the night."

Lily started. "And what's your favorite part of the night?" She asked, setting her bottle down and scooting closer into Severus for warmth. A long pause of silence made her turn her head to face Severus, who was staring at her.

"My favorite part has always and will always be seeing you." He whispered hoarsely, suddenly seeming very sober. Lily could feel her cheeks burning, but she couldn't help but stare up at him. They were very close, she could see the glint of the fire reflecting in his eyes, which were dark brown close up.

He leaned down slowly, before shyly pressing his mouth to hers. Lily sat surprised for a second, before closing her eyes and slowly kissed him back. His mouth was soft, and she could taste the bitter cinnamon of the firewhiskey they had drank. Severus gently pressed her back into the blankets, and Lily reached up to tangle a hand in his hair.

"Is this ok?" Severus breathed sometime later, staring down at her. Her hair was splayed out across the blankets, her skin soft and very pale.

"Yes," Lily sighed, dragging him back down to her once more. Neither were very cold anymore, the fire and each other keeping each other warm now.

Snow fell heavily outside, the fire inside crackled and slowly burned down, and the two were lost in one another. And in that moment, everything was perfect.


Almost nine months later, a screaming baby girl was settled into the arms of an exhausted Lily Evans. It was hot outside the hospital window, the summer sky blue and the air muggy, but all she could focus on was the crying newborn in her arms.

"Shhh," Lily said softly, hugging the baby girl tight to her, a few tears leaking out of her eyes despite her plans not to cry.

"She's beautiful, Lils," her Mum said, a few tears shining in her eyes too. "What are you going to name her?"

Lily stared into the dark brown eyes of the baby girl, the same eyes that had gotten her into this situation to start with. Her skin was mottled red, and there was a mop of dark hair on her head. Lily couldn't tell if it was brown or a very dark red just yet.

"Katherine." Lily whispered, as the baby in her arms slowly stopped crying and settled into sleep. "Katherine Eileen."

"What are you going to do when you go back to school Lily?" Her Mum asked her, worried that Lily wasn't going to be happy either way.

"I don't know yet," Lily said, tears sliding down her face as she cried. "I just don't know what I'm going to do yet."

Katherine was a secret that was not known by many people, and especially not by Severus. He didn't know that his daughter was born the day that he was sent to hunt down the McKinnon's. He didn't know that she turned one just a few days before Lily and James got married. He didn't know that when Voldemort murdered James and his precious Lily, she and Harry were spared only by Lily's sacrifice. He didn't know that she was taken to live with her godmother, Mary MacDonald. He didn't know that in eleven years she would show up at Hogwarts.

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! This has been in progress for a couple months now, but I didn't sit down to write it all out until recently.


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