The Changes

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Zelo looked at you “What?.. The dishes?” He asked looking down to the gift he was holding ‘Oh yeah. I have to give this to her or mother will go all crazy on me. Hm~’ He thought to himself “Okay, I’ll give them to you.” You look up at him “Really?” You ask in disbelief since Zelo was about to actually kill you ‘He’s actually giving it to me?’ you thought smiling a little to yourself. “Yeah, I’ll give it to you, but you have to do something for me. I’m thinking of food.” He said smirking, as he started handing you the present. “Food? Like you want me to cook? Or should I order something?” He thought about it for a minute “Cook I guess, you cant be that bad can you?” he asked “Well I got to go for now you can decide when you want to cook for me. Invite me over sometime. He winked at you as he started walking back to his house.

“Ah, so I have dishes now" you say in excitement. You really liked dishes and their designs for some type of reason. "And I have to cook for him.. /sigh/” You say to yourself as you walk back into your house. You set the basket down in the kitchen and start to clean once again. 

Zelo closed the door seeing his best friend Moon Jongup. “What was that?” he asked seeing what happened through the window. “Umma! Why did you let him in?!” He shouted. “She’s not here man, she left not too long ago. I let myself in” he said laughing a bit. “But seriously what was that? Isn’t that the girl who poured the juice all over your shoes? I thought you wanted to kill her” He asked laughing, “I mean she’s not that bad looking but still.” 

Zelo looked at him punching his stomach a bit. “Yah!” he screamed, “It’s not like that.. I mean I did want to kill her, I was going to but she just looked so innocent and I just couldn’t do it.. and she was a girl, my weakness. Ugh. Help me hyung!” “So, you do like her right?” Jongup asked. “A little I guess, I haven’t known her for long and I’ll be seeing her more often than I thought. Oh, but I got her to cook for me haha.” Jongup smacked his arm “Yah! Don’t fool around with her, she’s new so try to be nice to her okay.” “I know, I know, but why are you here? I thought you were coming over tomorrow night.” Zelo asked. “I was going to, but I needed help with some homework, so naturally I came to ask you. Oh, and I’m just going to spend the night here alright.” He said going into the kitchen to grab something to eat. He grabbed an apple and started to take a bite out of it. “So are you going to help me or not?” He asked handing Zelo a worksheet. “It’s only a couple problems.”

You sat on the floor exhausted “Finally finished cleaning.” Looking at the time “It’s already 6:30? I’ll just cook for him tomorrow.” You said walking into your room. You grabbed your bag and took out a book from there. You sat on the floor and started to read. “I have to finish this by next week? Might as well finish most of it now.” You said while reading. After an hour of reading you started to doze off, falling asleep.

Jongup went outside to your door ringing the bell a couple times. Zelo saw Jongup ringing the bell. “What are you doing?” Zelo asked as he grabbed Jongup by the arm and dragged him away. “What do you mean what am I doing? I’m ringing the bell so she can let us in” He responded. “But it’s already been like five minutes.. I think she might have fallen asleep or something. Should we let ourselves in?” Jongup said looking back at the house. “What if Umma comes? How are you going to explain it, hmm? Let’s just go back inside if she’s sleeping leave her alone. She’ll probably cook for us tomorrow, or something she doesn’t have much to do since she just moved here.” Zelo told Jongup. “Ah, should we invite her over then?” Jongup asked “Your mom and my mom are going to meet up tomorrow afternoon, we could invite her then.” He stated.

“You can ask her that.” Zelo replied as he started walking back into his house. Jongup followed him. “Do I have to?” He said shaking his body, whining like a little kid. “Yeah, you do.” Zelo said as he went up to his room jumping on his bed. “We can go over tomorrow afternoon and as if she wants to hangout or something. Now sleep, you get annoying when you don’t.” Zelo threw a pillow at Jongup hitting him square in the face. “Fine.” Jongup said while sticking out his tongue. He lay down on the ground throwing the covers over him. 

-END OF PART THREE- | To be continued~ 

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