Your family have decided to move to Seoul

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Your family have decided to move to Seoul and to your luck, you moved schools, well of course. You decided to live in Busan instead of Seoul, so you're pretty much going to be alone there. Your school is pretty lovely. You didn't want to move countries and all, leaving your friends behind.. But it's worth the experience. You only have one chance you know? 

The next day, you enter your first period class at your new school and say, "Annyeonghaseyo my name is (Y/N)." The teacher tells you to take a seat in the back by the window right next to a guy called "Choi Junhong", but everyone calls him 'Zelo'. You nod and walk to the back of the room seeing Zelo and wanting to be friendly you say, "Hi" as you slid into your seat. Zelo smirks and turns to his friends. "So this is the new girl? I was kind of expecting more" he whispered to them. They all start to laugh slightly. You feel slightly ignored but you don't mind since it's only your first day. 

As the bell rings you proceed onto your other classes until lunch. While you are getting lunch Zelo decides to trip you on your way to a table making your food spill on the ground. "Oh, my bad I didn't see you coming," he said obviously lying. You pick up the things he dropped and turned around. "You know you really shouldn't do that.. it would be a real shame if something happened to your nice shoes." You spilled your orange juice on his white pair of shoes. "My bad.. I didn't see you there." You say quickly walking off and throwing away your lunch, but only taking an apple with you. He stares at his shoes in disbelief and clenches his fists, "I'll get her for this, don't worry she'll pay." 

While leaving the cafe you head up to the roof. Students weren't allowed up here, but you go up to get away from everyone and think for a while. "...Did I really just do that? I should really apologize." Sighing, you take a bite from the apple. "If I buy new shoes, Will that make up for it? ...No... probably not, he might want to kill me now. Ah (Y/N) What have you done? It's not even your second day here and you've already caused trouble, let me die right now!" You say to yourself. You hear the bell ring for your last period and quickly get up to go get your things before going home. 

As you are walking home you notice Zelo walking with a couple of his other friends. "Oh. What the heck? He goes the same way as me?!" You whisper to yourself. You are now in front of your house trying to unlock the door but it wont work. Zelo walks up right behind you "Yah, are you trying to break into my house?" He says jokingly as he puts a hand on your shoulder and turns you around. It takes a few seconds to process but he notices that its you. "YAAHH! You're the annoying little girl who spilled orange juice on my sneakers!" he said almost yelling "I'm going to kill you!" You quickly hid your face and drop to the floor shocked. "Wait! Let me explain!" He shakes his head "No." 

Out of nowhere Zelo picks you up by the collar of your shirt. He looks straight into your eyes about to say something but coughs instead putting you back to the ground. He looks away "...Just forget about today... if you do it again though I will get you. Just keep that in mind. Also, this is my house, yours might be over there" He said pointing to the house next to his. He blushed a little but you didn't see. "Ah, okay, thank you" You say bowing your head slightly as you run over to your house you unlock the door "So this is my house. They all look so similar." you say to yourself.

"Oh, I'll buy you new sneakers!" you shout over to Zelo but he is already gone. "Or not.." You say with a sigh as you enter your house. "Why did he spare me today? I thought for sure he was going to beat me.. Maybe because I was a girl?" You head up to your room and change into something comfortable. "It's been a long day.. Ah I can barely think! I should probably rest for today, hopefully tomorrow will be better" You say as you jump into bed and soon fall asleep~

-END OF PART ONE- | To be continued~ 

Well, I hope you like the story till now O.O ..
Zelo's mean in the beginning, but maybe he'll change later on~
We'll see about it~ ^^


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