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We are a pack. Together we make the world brighter. The five of us are a pentagon but simple thing can tear us apart. We are a rainbow;Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Side by side we are beautiful; mushed and fighting we are not.

Red gets angry fast but regrets it after the fact. She knows tons about comics too.

Yellow always know what is cool and "in" the fashion and online world but doesn't always mix well with the others.

Green is normally calm and kind, she gets along with all the others and is always trying to stop fights and cool fires.

Blue is goofy and fun and all around awesome. She gets along with all but Red. They are like oil and water; they can stand each other but will never mix.

And then there is Purple.

Purple is normally calm and passive on the outside but a raging fire on the inside. She does not Really fit in the group but doesn't fit anywhere else. Purple is Me.

We all are very different but somehow we work together. We are a Rainbow.

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