Chapter Four - "I'm not your Tenten!!"

Start from the beginning

"Yes you can," he replied, looking up at her, "And yes you are. You deserve to be where you are, Tenten. Don't let anyone else tell you different."


Tenten couldn't help but laugh at him.

Neji stared down at her in confusion, and asked, "Mind telling me what the hell is funny?"

"You are," she replied, glaring at him. "Why should it matter, Ne-Ji-San? You don't give two shits about me anyways."

"You aren't her," Neji snapped, his fingers gripping Tenten's wrist harder. Tenten winced before saying, "I'm surprised it took you a day and several hours to realize this. Anything else I should know?"

Neji's patience was running thin, and having dealt with it before, Tenten didn't even care.

"You have ten seconds to tell me where MY Tenten is before I decide to paralyze and ravage you." Tentne blushed furiously and screeched, "You wouldn't dare!!"

Neji yanked at Tenten's shirt, causing two buttons to pop off.

"Try me," Neji almost whispered, smirking at her.

Tenten said, "You really are a pervert... Fine. I think your Tenten and mind switched places." Neji's expression softened, but only slightly. "Meaning?" he asked.

Tenten said, "Ugh, I just told you!! She's in my world and I'm in hers!"

Shaking his head, he waited a moment longer before letting her go. Moments later, she slapped Neji on his cheek, leaving a mark.

"That's what you get for pinning me and tugging at my shirt," she said, smirking at him.

He glared at her slightly before relaxing and saying, "I guess I'm not all that watchful. I should've figured you were different from her. You're so sure of yourself. You're not... Scared of me."

Tenten looked at Neji sideways and asked, "Scared of you? Why would I be scared of you?" Neji shifted awkwardly before saying, "Well... When we spar, I go a little too... Hard on her... And I've always been attracted to her in a sense."

Tenten scoffed and said, "Oh wow, nice one, Hyuga. You're now a pervert and an asshole. Let me guess, you don't try to be patient and help her out, do you?"

When Neji didn't answer, she groaned loudly and said, "Oh wow, you really are a piece of shit in this world!"

Neji suddenly stood up and walked over to her, placing each arm on the outside of her body, pinning her against the kitchen counter. "Say one more word, Tenten," he growled, leaning in dangerously close to her.

"Just one more. And I'll show you how much of an asshole I am."


Tenten had collapsed in Neji's arms, holding him tight and not even knowing why.

She should hate him.

She should hate the Neji standing before her.

But he was saying all the right things with such a modest voice; it was too much for her.

Neji rubbed the back of her head, angry that she was feeling worthless, and it was once again because of him, but involuntary. If the other Neji wouldn't accept his mistakes and her flaws, then he didn't deserve her. Those thoughts eventually led back to the Tenten he personally knew. Neji knew that she was stuck with him, and could only hope she could handle herself.

But for the time being, he had to focus on the brunette crying before him.

He shushed her gently and said, "It's alright, Tenten. It's alright." She hiccuped and said, "Why... Why are you comforting me? I don't understand; I'm just your teammate."

"No," Neji replied, tilting her head gently, "You're so much more to me. You're my best friend; one of the only comrades I know who have put up with me."

She looked into his eyes, trembling as she said, "No. I know you don't mean me. You mean the other Tenten; the one who has proven herself. I've called you so many names and tried to harm you so many times... I don't deserve your words."

"The Tenten over there, the Tenten before me; you both are the same. True, your life turned out different than hers. But the fact remains that you both are still Tenten."

Tenten gently gripped his wrists and choked out, "Why doesn't the other Neji respect me? Why doesn't he try to see me differently... I wanted to be strong... For him..." Her sobs shook her body as Neji kissed her forehead and said,

"I don't know.... But we'll find out together, alright? I'm not leaving you alone." Tenten locked eyes with Neji, sniffing softly as he wiped her eyes and cheeks. "Now," he said gently, standing up and helping her up, "Let's get you to bed. I'll stay by your side if you want."

Tenten nodded and managed to whisper out, "I'd love that, Neji..."


Both shinobi had a stare down.

Neither was budging; neither planned on making a move.

Tenten desperately wanted to tell him off, but she wasn't in the mood to try and see what he would actually do to her.

There was no telling with him.

Tenten sighed and lowered her head, letting her muscles relax. Neji saw this as a sign of defeat and chuckled, backing off so Tenten could lean upright. She looked up at him, but instead of showing anger, her face showed confusion with a hint of sadness.

Neji sighed and sat on the chair nearby. "Let me guess," he said half-mockingly, "you want to know why I push the other you around and make fun of her like I do."

Tenten looked away and said, "So... You still do call me names..."

Neji sighed and said, "Look, making me feel guilty won't help. I just... I don't know what it was about us, but whenever I'm around you, I can't control myself. I get angry and confused. And the fact that you are terrible in this world with weapons and fighting helps none. You really do suck."

"Then why don't you try to help me?" she asked, carefully walking over and sitting next to him. Neji merely shrugged and said, "She never asked."

"Does she have to?"

Neji shook his head and said, "I get it. You don't have to rub it in my face. For the past month and a half I've tried to put up with her and help her, but I just can't do it."

Tenten eyed him warily and said, "Something else is going on here; more than you're telling me." Neji chuckled slightly and said, "Maybe there is. But I don't think you'll ever find out."

Tenten scoffed and said, "We'll see about that. Just for that, I'm spending all day around you. And I'm going to be a klutz while I'm at it as well."

He glared at her and said, "You wouldn't."

"Watch me," she replied, winking at him and heading towards the bedroom. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out!!" she yelled. Moments later, she shut her door and locked it.

Neji glared at the door and thought, 'Like hell she's letting this go her way. She wants the truth; I'll give it to her slowly. One grip at a time.'


Welp, sorry this took me so long to post. Going through depression at the moment, so I don't want to do anything. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. A bit of an emotional one, but it's just beginning.

Until the next chapter!

~ Nimo

Swapped Kunoichi (Completed 2016)Where stories live. Discover now