Chapter Four - "I'm not your Tenten!!"

Start from the beginning

'I want my Neji back,' she thought.

Not too long later, she heard someone trip over a garbage can behind her, and turned with a kunai in her hand.

No one was there.

She glanced at the shadows and roofs, but no one was there.

She sighed and placed the kunai back, continuing to walk home. When she got home, she unlocked her door and started to walk inside, only to be tripped and fall on her butt.

The door slammed shut behind her and she pulled out a kunai, prepared to face whoever the hell decided to mess with the wrong kunoichi.

Tenten was suddenly lifted up off the ground and violently pinned to the wall. Moments later, a light flickered on, and Tenten was face to face with the last person she expected to attack her.

Neji Hyuga.

He glared down at her as he held on tight to her hands, lifting them above her head.

She looked at him in total irritation and anger. "Can I help you?" she asked, venom practically slithering between the words.

His eyebrows lowered as he demanded, "Who the hell are you, and what have you done with Tenten?"


Neji walked Tenten all the way home, and stopped when she walked up the stairs.

At first, she was okay with being away from him.

But his words rang in her ear, and it made her yearn for home.

No, it made her yearn for a home with a Neji like the one standing before her.

Neji cleared his throat softly before saying, "If you'd like... I can stay so we can talk a little more." She nodded and waited for him to catch up to her. Both of them then entered her home. Feeling a bit hungry, Tenten searched the fridge for any leftovers. She found a bowl of ramen, but it was cold of course.

She set it down on the counter, determined to not burn anything this time.

Neji sat at the table and watch her make moves that were hesitant every time. She poured the ramen onto a skillet and slowly stirred it as she watched for any flicker that might result in burning something.

Her finger suddenly got close to the fire and she yelped, snatching her hand back. That action caused the skillet to flip on her, slightly burning her stomach and further burning her hand.

Neji quickly got up and caught Tenten before she could fall on top of the mess scattered all over the floor. Neji sighed in relief, as it seemed the only areas burned were small ones. However, he worried once more when she started crying.

He sat her down and kneeled before her, asking, "Tenten, what's wrong?"

"I can't do anything right; that's what!!!"

She broke down and sobbed softly. Her whole body was shaking in sobs, and she shook her head repeatedly. "I'm a failure through and through! Everyone was right; I'm not fit to be a kunoichi! I'm not even fit to be a housewife!!"

Neji sighed softly, remembering when the Tenten he knew once felt like that.

And more than anyone, it was his fault for calling her all those names.

Neji held Tenten's injured hand and slowly healed it with his.

She looked down at him through tears and shook her head softly. Neji, once finished, held her hand gently up against his cheek.

Swapped Kunoichi (Completed 2016)Where stories live. Discover now