"So I'll just DM him" I continue


Nash replied to my DM a lot faster than I was expecting him to

Turns out he was at his grandparents house anyway

"Where do you wanna go?" Nash asks me and Jake

"Don't mind" me and Jake say in unison

"I know you wanted to explore, but what if I introduce you to my friends"

"Sure, that sounds good" I smile at Nash

Soon enough we were arriving at one of Nash's friends houses, I think his name was Tez or something

"Remember, they're just normal guys" Nash reminds us, before walking into the house

I walk in after Nash, spotting a few familiar faces

I recognise Sammy Wilkinson sitting next to Nate Maloley and Tez.

Then there was Matthew Espinosa, Cameron Dallas, Madison beer, Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson

Jack Johnson...with a dark haired girl sitting on his lap

"Guys" Nash says, getting everyone's attention

"This is Gabby and Jake" Nash speaks again

Causing Johnson to quickly look in my direction, making eye contact with me

Talk about awkward...

No one said anything, they all just stared at me like I had five heads

"Hey, don't I follow you on Twitter?" Madison broke the silence

"Yeah, you do" I slightly laugh

"Ahh, you're a Brit then" Matt says, in his best British accent

"Indeed so" I chuckle at his silliness

Then is was silent again

"Come sit by me" Sammy walks over to me and takes my hand, leading me back to where he was sitting

I found Sammy extremely attractive, I mean...who wouldn't?

"What are you doing?" I ask Sammy, as he takes my phone

"What's your passcode?"

"My birthday" I speak

"When's your birthday?" He questions

"28th of December 97, so the passcode is 28.12." I tell him

"Hey, that's Nash's birthday too" he shows his dimples

"Twins" I tease Nash, causing him to laugh and shake his head

"There you go" Sam hands me back my phone, smirking

"What did you do?" I ask, shyly

"Check your contacts" he winks

"Flirt" I grin at him

"Well do you have a boyfriend, or anyone special in your life?" He smirks

I look over to Johnson, eyeing up me and Sam

"Nope" I look back at Sam

"Then what's the problem?" He shows me his dimples, once again

"I love your dimples" I poke them

"Why thank you m'lady, I love your hair" he plays with wavy brunette locks

"Want to get out of here?" Sammy whispers in my ear

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