Chapter 3: Catching up 1

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We finish the briefing on the case. Everyone exits the room except for Hotchner. I get up to leave the room but his voice stops me.
"Yes Agent Hotchner?"
"I wasn't planning on bringing you with us for your first day but since children are involved I think you should come. You must be with a member of the team at all times, so please go home and pack for the case. Be ready to leave in 40 minutes. Also I'd prefer if you call me Hotch."
"Yes sir!"
I grab my bag and head out of the room. I'm ecstatic to go along with the team. Although I wish it wasn't such a sad case. Three boys from different families were taken from their beds. None of the boys have been found and today is the fourth day of their disappearance. Each boy was taken a night around 7:00 pm which means another will be taken in six hours. I start walking to the elevator. As I'm walking I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Spencer.
"H-hi Mia. W-where are you going?"
"I'm going to my apartment to pack for the case. Want to come?"
I giggle. He sounds excited. We get in the elevator. I take a breath to ask Spencer a question.
"How is your mom?"
"She is still in Bennington Sanitarium."
"Is she getting better?"
"That's great. Maybe next time you visit her I can come with you."
"She would like that. What about you? How is your family?"
"They are good. My sister is in college and my mom and dad finally opened the campground they wanted to."
A ding noise comes through the elevator speakers telling us we have reached the first floor. We walk out the front door towards my purple jeep. Spencer spots my car and starts hysterically laughing.
"What? Do you have a problem with my car" I ask smiling.
"No. I just didn't think that you would actually get one."
We hop in my jeep.
"You of all people should know I was dead set on getting this car." I say, giggling at Spencer's semi-shock.
"So do you live in a purple apartment, too?" Spencer asks with pure amusement.
"Don't be ridiculous. I live in a princess-castle apartment. I have a moat and everything." I say jokingly.
With that answer Spencer laughs the whole ride.

An Old Friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें