Chapter 3

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Seth's POV

It was Thursday, and I had just gotten up,I was Having Lunch with Nichole. And I had something else up my sleeve for her. I Called Nikki and She agreed to Met me at a Cafe, 2 blocks from the Arena.

I cant believe yesterday I told her the three Magic words,Honestly I Have liked Nikki Since we met,and more than friends.

Honesty I just don't like how John treats her,She comes crying to me and 100% of the time its Because of Him. I Heard he was pretty pissed after Raw,because she was riding with Brianna.

And her visions,They wil happen trust me. They will.
I have kinda always liked Nikki,Roman actually had a crush on Brie.

BUT she is married to Daniel, and He is Married too,and has an adorable little girl. Dean actually is dating Renee.
Even though The Shield isn't together anymore we're still brothers.

I get in the shower and do my Hygiene and stuff, I text Nichole to wear light makeup, and NO HEELS!
She loves makeup, but I like the real Nikki Bella

The one up under all of the makeup,That's who I've fallen in love with. I smile while putting on my Clothes and doing my hair.

I'm wearing Black and White Chucks,Black shorts,shirt,and a hat to match. With my hair in a neat bun.

I grab My phone, wallet,room keys, and Bag for Smakdown, I drive a rental car,and Nichole is using a cab to bring her to the cafe then we will ride to the arena together.

I arrive at the Cafe to see no Nichole,I tell our waitress I wanna booth near the window and to wait for Nichole. I pull out my phone and got to Instagram as I begin looking at Pictures of her.

Nikki's POV

After Paying My cab, and Putting My bags In Seth's Rental Jeep,He left it unlocked for me,I walk in the Cafe to see Seth sitting beside the window. I Look at My Attire.

Red Chucks,Red Brie Mode shirt, and Black short shorts,With My hair in a Messy Bun.


I put my cell in my back pocket, and Walk over to the Table,I lean Over and Kiss Seth's Cheek Gently pulling away and smirking. He looks at Me shocked With Wide and Confused eyes,Causing me to burst out laughing.

I Sit in front of him smiling and giggling as he lets out a Long Sigh and Shakes his head

"U Look Cute Nichole, and Thanks for Almost making me have a Heart Attack" He says

"Why thanks Mr.Lopez,U don't look to bad yourself,Calm down" He blushes lightly as we Order our food,We Order Pink lemonade since its a cheat day,With Chicken and Broccoli Pasta.

Its Really good

"Nikki,Paige was On Johns Bus,and People are saying he called her" Seth says interrupting my thoughts,Causing Tears To fill My eyes,I Drop My fork and look up at Seth


Seth sighs, and Gets up he scoots in the booth beside me letting the tears escape my eyes,as he holds me and rubs my back



I Look at Seth "Lets Go" he says,I Nod ad Grab My bag as he pays,Grabbing my hand and interwing our fingers we make our way to his jeep,as He opens My door and Starts the car.

He turns down the Radio,Which was Playing "Love me Harder"

Seth starts holding My hand again,He begins singing our Song 'Hospital' by Lydia, We sing in if one of us are sad,Manley to comfort one another.

"All I See scares me,and no one knows but She,She saved Me" He sings,His raspy,Soft Voice is So pleasant to hear. "And watch The Hospital that's Just across the street,From Your apartment Balcony" I Sing Back causing him to smile

"I'll Never ever leave There I'll stay" He sings the end of the song softly causing me to smile

"Where we going" I ask while looking at him, While admiring his features

"Mall"He says Bluntly

"Seth Fans,What We getting? I Ask

"I Know and you'll see be patient" He says while Grinning

"okay" I Say Watching the buildings we pass.

Johns Name pops up on My phone as is vibrates


J-Hey Nikki

N-John What do You want? Call Paige, Its obvious You Like her so Much

J-listen no I don't,Where are You?

N-On My way to the Mall,With Seth

J-Your With that Piece of Trash? WOW

N-He's Not Trash,He has been There for me When you weren't!

J-Nichole,What are You talking about?

N-Bye John

***End of Convo***

5 minutes later,At the Mall,Seth Lets me get on His Back Fans Rush over. They loudly chant "Neth Bellins" Causing us to smile, We sign some autographs, and take a couple of pictures then we shew them away.

I Get on his back once more,As he carry's me All the way to the Jewelry store, He puts me down as he pays for a box.

"What is it" I Ask

He opens it, Its a Golden Heart Locket that Reads" Neth Bellins"
I am Beyond Shocked and Surprised he Puts it around my neck Making Me smile,I Hug him Tightly,Without Thinking I kiss him gently on his soft pink lips.

He Kisses back,and we Pull away Smiling and Blushing,He turns around as I get on we walk pass More Fans Chanting at us

Making us To blush uncontrollably, Off to The Arena.

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