The Adopted Elf

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Once upon a time, two undead Priests, a male and a female who were a couple in life and now a couple in death, were walking through Silverpine Forest chatting happily about the Darkmoon Festival . The Undead were named Adrian and Anastasia Darkwater.

"Did you see that blood elf get shot out of the cannon? I didn't think anybody would still use it after the last time a gnome got shot out of it." Adrian's slightly deep and smooth voice said.

"No. I was too busy avoiding all those banana peels. Send a court jester through there and he'd be slipping up worse than I was." The surprisingly soft and sweet voice from Anastasia said.

Adrian looked at his wife and started laughing. Anastasia soon joined in.

"Wait. Stop. Who'd live up there...?" Anastasia inquired.

"I don't know." Replied Adrian, "Let's check it out."

As they walked up to the old, lonely wooden house and called out, Anastasia began to feel that something was wrong. When they arrived, she soon discovered why...

Adrian and Anastasia froze in place and stared in horror at the scene before them.

The horrific view consisted of blood everywhere, even on the walls inside the house, and there was one dead body that was shot by a single arrow, the body was identified as that of a male night elf. Adrian rushed to check the pulse of him as Anastasia kneeled down to inspect the small bundle she found wrapped up upon the doorstep.

As Anastasia gently pushed back some of the cloth, she found that this was a baby night elf girl, fast asleep. It was then that she noticed there was a blood-stained note underneath the adorable child. Anastasia read the note as Adrian finished checking the unknown male night elf.

Adrian looked down and slowly shook his head when he found the elf had been dead for some time. He got up and looked for Anastasia and found her at the doorway of the house, peering over her shoulder. 

"'Please keep her safe...'" Adrian read.

Anastasia slid one hand under the baby and one behind the baby's head and lifted her up, holding her close to her chest. The baby's eyes flickered open, revealing a soft silver glow.

"Adrian, we have to keep her and raise her as our own. She cannot survive out here."

Adrian sighed sadly as he agreed and thought of the father's love for his daughter and what his last thoughts might have been before he died.

Anastasia got up and handed the baby over to her husband. She walked in the house and almost turned straight back because there...on the walls...written in blood....was the word traitor.

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