Loss (Justin's pov)

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(Justin's pov)

I was so fucking stupid, i left my girlfriend i love to death, who's also carring my child, alone. I don't really know what she was talking about by saying 'goodbye' but i was pretty sure i knew what. After she hung up i quickly ran out the door and to my car. I started the car and sped all the way to our apartment. I barged into the door and stood there for a second listening for a sound... nothing. I ran into the bathroom stopping in my tracks seeing girlfriend looking lifeless on the bathroom floor with blood sourounding her. I knelt down beside her sobbing and sat down and put her head on my lap. I quickly got her phone off the counter and diled 911. After i ended the call i couldnt control my tears streaming down. I softly stroked her plump cheeks and watched as my tears landed on her forehead, i gently wipped the off. If she makes it there's no chance of our baby living. I put my hand on her slightly round stomach and cried even harder..

"I'm s-so sor-ry little one. I-its all my fault". I whailed.

"God Rose, im so so so sorry baby". I said as i kissed her lips softly, then her forehead, and each cheek. I put my forehead against hers and continued to cry, and about 10 minutes later she was took out of my arms and into the emergncy truck and i stood there with her blood all over my jeans and white shirt. I quickly changed and grabbed my phone, i ran to my car and sped off to the Hospital.

"Rose Foster". i said to the front desk lady. She gave me a simpathitic look and gave me her room number. I rushed to Rose's room and just stood at the doorway staring at her lifeless looking body. Her wrist was bandaged up and she had wires over her arms. I sat down at one of the chairs and took her had and stroked the back of it with my thumb and then kissed it, letting tears fall down my cheeks.

"Hello, you must be Justin". A doctor said walking through the door. I stood up and whipped the tears from my cheeks and shook his hand.

"Miss Rose seems to be fine just lost a lot of blood, we also had her stomach pumped of the pills so she should be as good as new when she wakes up". The doctor said while looking at his clipboard.

"And im so sorry to say but Rose has lost the baby". The doctor said squeezing my shoulder in a comforting way. I just looked down and let the tears fall once again.

"You may take her home once she wakes, im so sorry for you're loss". the doctor said walking out of the room. I sat back down and held my head in my hands. I was actually excited about this baby. Once i cleared my head and let it sunk in i knew i wad ready, ready to take the challange to be a 19 year old father. So many thoughts were going in my head i hardly noticed Rose trying to sit up, and she did.

"Oh Rose". I said once i saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

"J-justin im so sorry". She whailed.

"Shh baby shh its okay you're fine now and you're here thats all that matters".

About an hour later we checked out of the hospital and we were on our way back home. When we walked through the doors i pulled Rose on top of ne on the couch.

"Please Rose... Never ever, do that again okay". She just nussled her head between my neck and i wrapped my arms around her waist protectivly.

"Justin, i did this, our baby is dead because of me!" She whailed.

"Shh baby, that means it wasn't meant to be, we'll try again okay? Everything will be okay". I said rubbing her back calming her down.

"You mean you want to try to have another baby? Like on purpose?" She asked shocked.

"We were going to have one anyways, so why not? Do you want to have a baby?" I asked.

"Yes, i was really excited for the last one actually, i just though you didn't want anything to do with it". She said.

"Never. I want everything to do with you and our next baby". I said standing up and taking her hand leading to our bedroom.

"Where are we going?". Rose asked.

"I thought you wanted another baby?". I asked grabbing her hip.

"Of course i didn't know you meant now, but of course". She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Well lets do this". i said and kissd her.

"I love you Rose". I said pulling her shirt off.

"I love you too Justin". She said.


Awh Rose lost the baby! :( :(

So they're gunna have another one?!?

Don't worry this isn't even close to the ending!!!


Comment (Should i continue?!?)



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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