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Cole watched as his city burned, he fell to his knees screaming in rage. The Retzi would not get away with this. Everyone and everything would feel his rage.


A pattern formed underneath his left eye, it was green and electrical shaped. It burned and seared his skin making it feel as though it was bubbling underneath. Feeling like Cole's face was being engulfed in lava. He screamed a blood curdling screech cracking the ground around him. Gripping his head in pain, the other eye swapped to a pitch black and began to issue computer code of similar coloring, racing down the side of his face.


He screamed pleading with rage and fear. The entirety of his face felt as though it was being torn apart. Something was being born inside him, it was rage manifested. It would one day consume him, but in a way he wanted that. He wanted to destroy everything. He didn't care who was innocent and who wasn't. Everyone must die, for taking his friends, his family, and most of all his mother.

The ground cracked further as he screamed louder and louder in pain. The pain was eventually outweighed by rage, causing the pattern to extend to his left palm. He'd lift his hand into the air and slam it through the ground sending electric surges of energy into the ground. It exploded in flames, the ground was literally burning dirt and all.


He screamed again cracking the ground further, he was destroying his own home planet; Terioa couldn't exist if he was going to annihilate the Retzi and everything else as well. Green sparks surged from him and swirled around his body. He continued to scream destroying Terioa. He wanted it gone all of it could never exist again. Those damned parasites must die. The energy around him turned to black and everything faded in a massive explosion Terioa was gone for good.

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