Chapter 5: Confession

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ok, I want to thank you all for the support you give me (reading the story). I especially want to thank Amy_cho1, avacat123, And FairyPiece2002 for your comments. You 3 encouraged me on, Amy_cho1 might only commented once but it still made me happy. Avacat123 thanks for you very first comment and voted on my very first chapter, I will never forget you. And FairyPiece2002, your enthusiasm and votes encourages me to keep on going. Thank you all, anyways on with the story. Btw MORE ZOLU!!!!! ZOLU = LIFE!! (I am actually adding some romance XD.
"baka!!!... I love you*sob*" Zoro yelled and sobbed.
Zoro hugged Luffy tighter and soon as Luffy got more energy, he hugged back. Soon, Chopper came out with some bandages. Zoro, Sanji and Robin looked confused. "... What? Never seen bandages before?" Chopper said laughing slightly. "Well.. Why do you have them?" Sanji asked. Chopper sighed and pointed to the railing at the side of the boat. All 3 gasped slightly, as they saw a huge blood spot with Luffy's hand prints on them, kinda looked like he was gripping on the railing so he wouldn't fall, which he did.

"Zoro..." Luffy said faintly. Zoro turned to him as he was still carrying him. "Yeah?" He replied with a soft voice. "Back.... Hurts.... A lot.." Luffy kept on studdering and gasping. Soon he closed his eyes shut, crying. Zoro held him closer and brought him closer to Chopper. Zoro held up Luffy and Chopper wrapped the bandages on his back.

"Luffy, lay your back down on your hammock for now your back is severely injured." Chopper stated as he packed his stuff and went to the railing to clean the blood. Robin went with him to help. Sanji went to the kitchen to make some breakfast as he realized the crew was hungry. Zoro carried Luffy to his hammock, as Luffy was really tired.

Zoro went in the men's quarters, laying Luffy onto his hammock, watching him sleep silently. He also saw the cut that was healing from the knife yesterday night. He left the men's quarters as he heard Sanji yelling out that breakfast was ready.

He went in the kitchen where everyone was like their normal selves. Chopper and Usopp were yelling and having fun, Brook was laughing along, Franky was calling everything super, Robin and Nami talking to each other as Sanji swirled around then with hearts in his eyes. Zoro sighed slightly, feeling a bit lonely without Luffy. He just ate and left, going outside and started to sleep on the grass.

*30 minutes later*

Sanji was in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. He felt like someone was missing. He turned to see a lot of meat-filled plates still there. He jumped slightly remembering that Luffy was in his hammock. He brought 2 plates of meat into the men's quarters. When Sanji entered, he saw Luffy on his hammock, hands covering his face as tears fell down.

"Luffy, are you okay?" Sanji asked as he put the 2 plates on the floor, beside Luffy. Luffy looked up at Sanji with red cheeks, Eyes watery, abd his bottom lip quivering. Sanji remembering that Luffy had depression and he still does.

He went up to Luffy and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Luffy, you should eat some breakfast, I saved you some meat." Luffy looked down at the plates and smiled back softly at him. "Okay." He then picked up one plate and started to eat it. He slowly placed down the plate onto the floor, and did the same with the second plate. Sanji smiled as he knew Luffy wanted Zoro by the way he was acting, curled up in a ball and slightly sobbing, he wanted something to comfort him... Or someone. Sanji went outside, and went up to Zoro, who was sleeping.

"Psst, hey marimo." Sanji whispered, as Zoro grunted. "What the heck do you want, ero-cook." Sanji got angry. "Don't call me that!! Anyways, Luffy wants you to be with him." Zoro instantly shot up. "Ok, I'm going." Zoro said heading to the men's quarters. Zoro still wanted his response, what happened to him?

He opened the door, as he saw Luffy in a ball, sobbing. Zoro walked up the him and hugged him, making Luffy slightly stop and turn towards him.
Zoro looked straight at him and saw Luffy's shiny eyes. He wiped Luffy's tears away and asked. "Luffy? What happened yesterday?" Luffy started to sweat a bit, not wanting to tell him. But, didn't he promise he would tell? He just told him. "Okay, but don't tell anyone." He said pointing a finger at Zoro. He just nodded and Luffy continued. "*sigh* Everyday, I get pictures and a messagein my head. It starts off with ace when we saw him at alabasta, then him at Marineford on the execution platform, and then... Akainu killing ace..." Luffy held in his tears, as Zoro held him closer. "I always get a message that everything is my fault. That I need to follow ace."
Zoro then looked at Luffy. Then kissed him straight on the lips. Luffy's eyes widened, but then calmed himself. Zoro broke it off and whispered I love you, Luffy, Ace may be gone but we are still here.We all care for you." Zoro hoped that Luffy liked him back. Then Luffy said....

"I love you too, I guess I won't leave you." He smiled, Zoro realized now, Luffy was out of depression. He smiled and hugged him, making it a comfortable afternoon.
Ok, there is one thing I was thinking. I wanted to make an occ story of one piece characters in an academy(kinda like Hogwarts but not) they also have devil fruit powers(only the people who do.) And I am adding my own oc's into it, tell me if its a good idea. Anyways, comment, vote and thanks for reading!!!

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