Chapter 2

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"Alright girls! We got the info on our next job." Dially said, opening the info on a power-point. A blond girl with blue eyes and shiny smile. Lazy got up, stretched herself and walked towards her. Short girl, shorter then Dially at least, semi-dirty blond semi-brown hair and brown eyes.

"So, what you guys have to us?" Taking her (h/c) hair out of her face and looked at the projector. Lazy sighed and started.

"Well, let's get this party started."

(a/n: try to imagine me and Dially are doing this together so it kinda doesn't matter who is talking)

"So first, we got David, also known as Daithi De Nogla or Paper Bag man." They show a photo of a taller guy with a paper bag (duh) on his head. "Irish man. He's a great at sniping so he keep his position on high ground"

"Second we got Lui Calibre or Squeaker." They show a picture of a guy in red jacket and a monkey mask with a cigar. "Great at flying and keep as a support for Nogla's at sniping."

"Next we got Brain, aka Terroriser, the infiltrate one of the group, also Irish." A pic of a guy in black leather jacket and sun glasses pop out on the screen. "He was a spy for another group, but was betrayed. The leader of the BBS invited him to join and since then, he never left."

"Marcel or BasicallyIDoWrk." A picture of a guy with a monkey mask like Lui's, but with a cop helmet and holding a sticky bomb. "He's the expert in explosives"

"Arlan, Silent Droidd. Provides weapons and ammunition." A photo of a guy in pinky polo shirt. "He also commands the club cockatoos which is their cover." Jeandrea and (y/n) looked at them weirdly. "Hey, don't ask why, we only get the info."

"Brock or Moo Snuckel." A picture of a guy in a in sunglasses and a trippy shirt. "Popularly known as Early Bird, the trainer." A second picture of a man, this time with a eagle mask on showed. " When Terroriser joined, Moo was the one who showed their ways to him."

"Next one, Craig, MiniLadd or Taxman." A guy in a suit and yellow flipflops comes up. "He is the Medic of the group. Since Lazy is the Medic one here, she needs to take care of the British guy the most." Dially said, with a smirk.

"Next is Tyler, or IAmWildCat. Pig man here," they showed a picture of a man in a pig mask, "is one of the best hackers, getting into security cameras like there is nothing to be afraid off. Dially is gonna take care of his ass." Lazy pointed out to the other one. Both end up sticking their tongues out and flipping the finger, making them all giggle. The hacker and the medic, almost like sisters, but with one difference, Dially is taller. (:P) "She even said he was pretty!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Girls, com'on." Jeandrea said. A blue haired girl, gray eyes and, at the moment, facing palming herself to keep her giggles down. Front line girl most of the time, but switching positions with Dially.

"Alright, next one I think you gonna like." Lazy motioned towards Jean.

"Jonanthan, H2ODelirious, the mystery boy." A photo of a guy with a hockey mask and a baseball bat showed, intriguing her. "Always wearing a hockey mask and never showing his face. Blue hoodie is the second in command."

"And last, but not least." A picture of a guy, red jacket, owl mask, finally showed. "Evan or VanossGaming. The leader. Front line all the time and take care of the plans. Much like you (Y/N)."

"How can you confirm your research?" (Y/n) asked. (H/c) (h/l) hair, (e/c) eyes. The one with the plan.

"Internet and some of her magical hacking." Lazy said, pointing to Dially when said 'hacking'. "But we got those photos and especial information due our contact, Luke, or Cartoonz. He is the one who came to us asking if we could help with anything, like being a back up to them."

"Don't they have enough support? Like the Derp crew or the Late Night?" Jeandrea said, making a good point.

"But they are the support for the big front line fights, we are gonna work on with them all the time. So we always gotta be prepared." Dially said.

"Which means, stay alert all the time." Lazy said, finishing the presentation and lean against the wall, arms locked. "Should we accept it?" She asked, looking at (y/n), who only responded with a nod.

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