In? With My Kidnapper?

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                                                                           Chapter 1

"Be quiet and no one will get hurt," A deep voice whispered, their soft lips brushing my ear. The person hastily put a blindfold on me, tied my hands together, and jerked me out of my warm bed. I was about to scream when I felt myself getting woozy, and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was on a couch covered with a think blanket. I sat up abruptly and looked out some huge windows- there was a gorgeous beach outside.

"Hello?" I called

"Hey," Some replied. I whipped around to look directly into a pair of warm brown eyes and screamed.

"Shh, dont scream," The attractive guy said soothingly. He had shaggy brown hair and was wearing a wrinkled white t-shirt.

"Who are u?!?" I yelled.

"Im Ryan."

"Where am I?"

"At my house."

"..... WHY AM I HERE!?"

"I cant really explain that....." Ryan said quietly.

"Ugh! Did u like, kidnap me?!" I whined.

"Well...Yeah," He answered.

"Ok. If u kidnapped me, does that mean u wont let me go?" I asked

"Yes," He yawned, as if it were obvious. A single tear slipped down my face.

"Well thats not happening! Im leaving!" I screamed, and ran towards the door.

Ryan made no attempt to catch me, so I flung the doors open and ran across the slippery sand to who knows where. After about 37 mins of running, I broke down and plopped onto the sand, tears streaming down my face.

"Dont cry sweetie, its not that bad," I heard Ryan say.

"Not that bad?! Im here in the middle of nowhere with someone I dont even know who might kill me! And u say its NOT THAT BAD?!" I yelled at the top of my lunges, still crying my eyes out.

"Im not doing anything to u, I swear! I just....Its kind of my job," Ryan said, kicking the sand around.

"Wait, so there are other girls at ur house too?" I asked.

"Ummm, yeah. Just a couple, because my boss came and got the other ones," He replied. I sighed.

"So...Theres no way I can get back?" I whimpered.

"Im so sorry," He whispered, his gorgeous brown eyes actually filled with regret. I let him take my hand and lead me back to his house- I would just try escaping again tonight, maybe with the help of a couple of others!

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