Part 2

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"Damn it Sam. Really?" Dean asked, running a hand down his face.

"Uh yeah, yeah. She's a senior, came to our school this year" Sam said with a tight smile.

"Oh dear" Angel mumbled running a hand through her hair "Are you- are you sure it's her? That she is your mate?" she asked him.

"Yeah, yeah. I-I can sense it, you know. I could sense it from the very first moment and now that she's 18 it's- it's crystal clear." he said fidgeting with his hands.

"Well, at least she is legal" Dean muttered and Angel looked at him with a glare.

"That's not the important thing here, Dean. And I don't think that would be her main put-off, anyway. Sam is still her teacher, and if their situation is anything like ours then this is going to be really hard for her. I mean-" she turned to look at Sam"- think about what she would go through if something started going on between you and her. What (Y/n) would go through and above all what you would. It's not going to be easy Sam. I'm sorry to tell you but if your try to pursue her then you have to go really slow and even then-" she let out a sad sigh "-I can't guaranty you that she will want to be in a relationship with you. Even if she has feelings for you, which I am sure she does, she'll probably just push you away for you own good."

"Yeah" Sam croaked out, a deep frown was on his face and anyone could see the look of desperation in his eyes.

"But-" Dean spoke up "-That's what Angel did as well, right? She pushed me away because I was her teacher and she didn't want me to get in trouble. Sure she screwed majorly-" he said looking for a second at the fake glare on Angel's face "-But in the end, we're together right? Maybe (Y/n) might try to push you away but that will only mean that she cares about you. That she doesn't want you to get in trouble because she- has feelings for you." he said trying to encourage his younger brother.

"I didn't screw up. You were the one that didn't tell me I was your mate from the beginning. But..." she let out a small sigh and looked at Sam "He's right, Sam. This is not going to be easy and she most probably will try to push you away but- you have to keep trying. You need to try and see if she feels something for you and once you realize that then- talk to her. Tell her everything. Tell her that you are her mate and she yours." she spoke with a soft smile.

"Tell her before it's too late"

~ A few days later ~

You let out a sigh - one of relief and sadness - as you heard the bell that signaled that the period was over being heard. Just one more period and school would be over for the day. You gathered your books, waiting for all of the students to get out of the class before you could. You knew that if you tried to go out before them or along with them then you most probably were going to end up on the floor just like when you had first come to this school. You had realized then, while trying to get out of class along with everybody else, that these students weren't really enthusiastic about lessons. Getting out of class once the bell rang seemed to be their only thought.

You thanked anyone up there for your good luck, though. You were sure that day that you were going to get run over by all of them, since none of them payed any attention to your falling during that time. None of them except Sam. Oh dear, Sam. You had been having a lesson with him and once the bell rang everybody - along with you - swarm towards the door. As it seemed you had tripped and fell but nobody seemed to pay real attention to that - other than Sam of course who had immediately told everybody to stop. So they had done, moving to the side so that he could walk through and of course straight to you. You remember it as i it was just yesterday.

He had knelt down, to take a closer look at you. He extended one hand towards you, offering it as help for you to get up. The ever-adorable frown was on his face and that look of concern that was present whenever he was worried about someone was there as well. You remember the feeling his soft hand on yours and the soothing feeling his other hand rubbing your back brought to you. And of course you clearly remember the heat that rose in your cheeks when you realized what a fool you'd made of yourself and how everybody was staring at your close interaction with Sam. Most girls were even glaring at you because of the interest he seemed to show in you, because - let's be honest - Sam was definitely not your average teacher. He was handsome in all sorts of ways and could definitely be a model. Yet- he chose to become a teacher and... the center of fantasies for lots of girls in the school.

...Maybe yours as well.

"(Y/n)?" said-man's voice broke your trail of thoughts you hadn't even realized you were so engrossed in.

"Y-yes?" you looked at him an innocent look.

He chuckled slightly and spoke up "Nothing. I was just wondering if you were going to stay here for the next period as well. No that I mind anyway" he said with a smile and you felt heat rise in your cheeks.

"S-sorry, sir. I was waiting for everyone to leave before I could get out. I just started thinking about things and didn't realize everyone was already gone" you muttered and taking hold of your books you got up from your seat.

"I realized that. Don't want you falling again. Even though I would love having to come to your rescue again." he said with a small chuckle "But (Y/n), please, just call me Sam" he added and you felt a smile form on your lips.

"I apologize sir- I mean Sam. I'm just used to it, sorry" you said and he smiled as well.

"It's ok. Just please don't. It makes me feel old" he said making A face and you couldn't help but laugh.

"But you're not old, Sam. You're just what? Twenty nine? Not old, definitely." you said with a small chuckle.

"So you know exactly my age now, huh? Are you keeping tabs on me Miss (Y/l/n)?" he asked raising an eyebrow and you felt your eyes widen.

"Wh-what? N-no of course no! I-I- I mean I heard some girls saying it and-" you started stuttering only to be cut off by him laughing.

"Relax (Y/n). I was just joking. I know. My age is not a secret here, anyway. Along with a couple other things. Thank you, by the way. For not thinking I'm old and that" he said with a small smile.

"No need to thank me, it's the truth" you said with a small shrug and saw his smile widen.

"Well, I'm glad that you think I'm not old, then" he mumbled.

Silence followed for a while but it was not uncomfortable at all. On the contrary. It felt as if things were clicking into place with you two just looking at each other, not saying a thing and being just free to think of anything you wanted to.


You cleared your throat as you felt your cheeks burn and averted your eyes from him. Him doing the same.

"So-" he spoke up "-You haven't told me. What do you think about my lessons?"

"Your lessons? Oh uh well, at least they're not boring." you let out a chuckle as he did the same "I mean it's history and although it was always my favorite subject, my previous teacher managed to make me not want to see the book in my life ever again."

"That terrible huh?" he asked with a smile and you nodded.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Which is why I've kind of fallen behind and not doing as well as expected. The fact that I'm going to be sitting for exams in that lesson at the end of the year terrifies me. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do" you ended up mumbling and looked down at your books.

"Well- you could always ask somebody for help. Maybe some private tutor would help?" he suggested and you shook your head.

"I'd wish but there is not much time left. The exams are far approaching and I don't think I have enough time to find one" you shrugged with a sigh.

"Well, and I believe that- you just did" he said, making your head snap in his direction.

"What?" you asked in a low voice.

"I mean I would be willing to help you" he said with a small shrug "You don't find my lessons boring with is a plus and I don't really have anything to do after school. So I could help you with History. I would be happy to, in fact. That is... if you want to of course?" he ended up asking.

"I don't know" you bit your lip in thought.

You seriously contemplated on whether you should tell him yes or no. And if you were completely honest with yourself you wanted more than anything to tell him yes. You wanted more than anything to get to spend some time with him after school, even if it was just studying, but you also feared of what could happen during that time.

Nonsense you thought He's a grown man, and sure hell would never do anything with any of his students. Much less me.

"Yes. Yes of course. That would be very much helpful" you said with a smile that only got bigger when you saw Sam's face lit up.

"Great. That's great. Well, then we'll just have to set place and time." he said and you bit your lip thinking.

"Well, uhm how about today? Five o' clock, my place? My parents will be gone so- I mean, we will have some peace cause yeah, studying history needs focus and yeah..." you trailed off, a blush forming on your cheeks when you realized what you actually had said.

What the hell (Y/n)?! you thought to yourself.

You cursed yourself under your breath when you thought about what had just come out of your mouth. Great, now he was going to think you were just one of those girls that openly hit on guys even though they might be older than them and their teachers.

He's probably going to decline and then say that something has come up and he won't be able to come at all you bitterly thought again.

"Great, then" he smiled and you let out a small sigh of relief "Oh I just need your address, if you don't mind."

"Oh yes, yes of course" you said sheepishly, leaning in to write your address on the paper he held out for you.

"Alright so... I'll see you after school? Five o' clock?" you asked once again wanting to hear him confirm it but most of all because you wanted to make sure you were not dreaming.

"It's a date" he winked at you and you bit your lip to keep the smile from appearing on your face.

"It's a date" you whispered, unable to hide the smile even as you exited the classroom.


You found yourself unable to sit still for more than five seconds once school was over. Your parents were gone about an hour ago and they would be gone till next morning. They had told you the reason but you honestly had not paid much attention. You actually hadn't paid attention to what anyone else had told you after you talked with Sam.

Your mind was constantly on him - not that it wasn't every moment before that - but you seriously found yourself unable of thinking about anything else. And at the same time you felt so full of energy that you had cleaned every single room of your house. Your room was the first one but you now actually doubted whether you should ask Sam study in your room or in the living room. Should you or not? It would seem absolutely crazy to him and you were really scared of what he was going to think about you.

Sure you've had had a crush on the man ever since the first day you met him and you were not going to deny it. A crush that had developed into a lot more when you got to know him better. Not just during lessons but even when he would accompany you during lunch, seeing as you hadn't managed to make many friends, or when he would see you in the library reading some book and he would come from behind, scaring you and of course making the librarian scold you - while you earned glares from some students.

Now that you actually realized it you had come closer to the man more than anyone else in the school. It was hard not to, after all. He was a truly amazing person. Child at heart, always caring and sweet. Ready to help anyone that needed him. You had even come to find out that he'd had a hard past. His father was always strict with him, maybe because he expected a lot from him, but that only made Sam want more to pursue a different career than that of the 'family business' as he called it. His father had disagreed in the beginning, of course, but over the course of time and a lot of convincing from Sam's mother and he finally got to accept it.

You let out a breath as you watched around you searching for something to occupy yourself with while waiting for Sam to come. Studying was out of the question especially when not only could you not stand still but you not even so much focus on reading a paragraph without thinking about him.

And it got even worse you got to think about how it would be for you to be that close to him, in the same room, just you and him. His scent which you always managed to smell was definitely going to drive you crazy. You honestly doubted you were going to focus with him that close to you- no, you were sure you were not going to.

"The hell have I gotten myself into" you mumbled to yourself, running a hand through your hair.

Your heart felt as if it was going to jump out of your chest, beating so rapidly that it hurt. Your stomach felt tight and heavy like a rock and the butterflies dancing around in it made it all the more worse. Your palms were sweating and shaking at the same time and you honestly felt as if you were about to throw up. That strange feeling running through your whole body was there as well. A feeling you still had to pinpoint. It honestly scared you not knowing what was going with you. It reminded you of how you felt when he was around only worse, now, that he was not around you. The feeling only grew when he was away from you and whenever he came close it felt as if he brought some kind of peace within you.

"What the hell is wrong with me" you said in a desperate voice, putting your face n your hands.
Silence had surrounded you, the only sound was your heavy breathing and ticking sound of the clock - the clock you had looked at for more times than you could count.

Soon the silence was broken by another sound. The doorbell ringing.

Your breath caught on your throat and you had to remind yourself that this was nothing more than him coming to help you with History. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Sam was just here to help you with History. He was older than you and your teacher. Nothing would ever happen between you and him. Nothing-

"Hey" his face brightened up with a smile as soon as you opened the door.

"Hey" you breathed out.

Oh boy, here we go you thought to yourself.

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