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Over the next weeks I throw myself into learning more about my new Master. I learn how to address him and how to act around him. I explored more sexually than I ever have and began to be more comfortable in my new role. The staff still seem suspicious of me and many look down on me as a slut or whore but I don't get much say in the matter and have come to peace with it.

The cleaning girl who I talked to my first day here's name is Zaria and she's wonderful, she's never rude or mean about my lack of clothing and never looks down on me, we talk a lot when my Master is working which is often, some days when he works from home I am to stay in his office with him and generally just sit in the chair in the corner, one of those big semi-circle ones, I can curl up with an erotica novel or anything else I want from the library and read for hours while he works.

Next week is my eighteenth birthday but I'm not sure he knows or cares. Zaria and I are going to have a picnic on her lunch break though and I think she's even going to ask the cook to make a little cake or something for me!! The last few day's we've wanted to try and eat outside but my Master is adding on to his already massive house and has forbidden me from leaving anyways, I'm going to ask him today if I can go outside though, just to see, maybe if I tell him it's my birthday he will make an exception.

I wear knee or thigh high socks and a shirt every day, and this morning is no exception, I come down to breakfast and kneel at his feet, he pulls me up and kisses my lips before directing me to sit with him. This has become so natural it's a morning routine at this point. After a healthy breakfast I ask my Master what he is doing today. If he stays home I will be in his office reading and probably sucking his cock at intervals. If he goes to work or out I will find Zaria and help her with her chores so we can take some time in the theater or library. The pool in the basement beckons to me especially as it gets warmer but I haven't had the courage to ask about it yet. Another thing to leave to my birthday I suppose.

Today, he tells me, he will be going out for a bit, when he returns at 11 he expects me to be ready and waiting, having changed in to what is laid out on my bed. I am not to change until 15 minutes before that and am not to go in to my room until I am changing.

These instructions are very odd but I do not question him. He has never left me instructions to change before and waiting in the front room is new as well. Usually if I am to be somewhere it is at the door to The Room and there is no need to change my clothes as he simply removes my shirt when we are inside.

Having, two hours until I need to change I wait until I hear Master's car leave the garage before calling out for Zaria. She is on the second floor where our room is and where the library, and The Room are. She knows about The Room and cleans it once a week for Master but we don't talk about it. I know she often sees the bruises and welts left when he punishes me but we avoid anything to do with the circumstances of our friendship. We are friends and she works where I live and that is all that matters in our interactions.

When I tell her about my strange instructions for today she is baffled. She suggests he may be having a party and explains that he sometimes has people over for formal dinner parties and sometimes even has people over for Play Parties where he uses The Room for entertainment. I really hope we will not have guests in The Room, I am very nervous and have never met anyone other than the staff here.

We finish up the library and the entertainment room, Zaria tells me the extra bed and bathrooms are only cleaned if they are to be used so we get to skip those. When she gets to the room I share with Master I tell her I am not allowed in, and will be in the library when she is finished. I think the staff spy on us because Master always knows what I've done in a day so I won't disobey him.

I once snuck in to The Room using Zaria's key on a day she was cleaning it, I just wanted to look around as I had never been in there when we I wasn't being punished or taught. When Master got home everything seemed normal but after dinner he took me to The Room and told me if I ever went in The Room without permission again I'd be staying there for a week. I haven't done it again and I make sure to be on my best behavior even if he is not home.

At 10:30 I am startled out of the book I am reading by Zaria reminding me I needed to go get ready soon and I had not had any water all morning. I am reading a book about a spy school and had totally forgotten. I go to the kitchen and get my morning water bottle. Master has marked off each hour and where the water should be at that time. I drink up to the 11:00 line and wink at Zaria as I dash upstairs to change. She laughs at me calling out, "He always knows anyways!" Laughing even harder when I stop and turn around to stick my tongue out at her.

In our room I move over to my area and see a purple and black corset style tank top and a pair of skinny jeans. There are black socks and a pair of low cut Converse beside them. No bra or panties but it was the most clothing I had seen since I arrived and I was excited. There was a note beside it in my Master's writing.


Put these on and be ready for me when I arrive. Pull your hair up with the elastic band on the counter in the bathroom. Today is a very big deal and I expect your best behavior. Know that I have security stationed around where we will be and you will pay dearly if you make any foolish decisions. I look forward to seeing you.


I get dressed quickly and go to the bathroom, throwing my hair in a tight pony tail at the back of my head. I look good, I've gained a little weight since moving here as I eat more, but I've also become more toned, I look healthy and have more colour that I used to. After examining myself in the mirror for a moment longer I hear the faint sound of the gate to the property opening and realize it is 11. I sprint down the stairs and make it to the main hall as I hear the garage open. I am kneeling in the middle of the room, facing the entrance when I hear the door open and close and Master's footsteps approach.

"Get up pet." He says, reaching for my hand to help me up and brushing off my knees when I stand. He leads me to the kitchen and has me finish the rest of my water bottle for the morning. I am dying to ask why I am dressed and what's going on but know he will tell me when he is ready, and asking will only prolong my wait.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the door pulling me out with him and opening the passenger side door to a sleek black car. I look at him curiously but sit without comment. He leans down and buckles my seatbelt, kissing my lips softly he says, "Be patient."

Closing my door he moves to his side of the car and gets in. He starts the car and my heart starts to race. We're actually going somewhere, we are leaving the property. Pulling out of the gates I am bouncing in my seat. What will today bring?

Thank you guys for being so patient with me! I have had a crazy time since I last uploaded, I've moved twice, left a relationship that was super unhealthy and started a new journey with two people I love more than anything. I am also pregnant and expecting a baby in early December!!! So I am sorry for the wait but my life has been a little crazy!!!

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