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Tony's POV:

After a quick breakfast, we waited at the entrance of the hotel for our tour guide. I was told if I used the tour guide option, we wouldn't have to wait for any ride or dining. Pretty cool!

Loki and Thor was still in awe because they didn't think "mortals" can make this kind of magical place. I was shocked at how Natasha acted at DisneyQuest.

When our tour guide arrived, she was driving a huge, black van. She came up and introduced herself as Annie.

Violet quickly introduced our team and everyone piled into the car. Violet had a whole plan set up and sat up in the front seat to talk with Annie. Bruce,Nat and Clint were in the middle aisle, while Loki, Thor and I were squished in the third aisle and Steve had all the room in the 4th aisle.

I wanted to get Thor and Loki onto the Tower of Terror and Rockin Roller Coaster. I was gonna buy every single ride photo. We arrived swiftly at Hollywood Studios, but we arrived at the back entrance. It was easier to get into without all the fans swarming around us.

The whole group made a beeline to the Tower of Terror. I brought a bunch of cameras with me and attached it to everyone's clothes. Thor and Loki stumbled around the park, trying to figure out where they are.

Since we got there before the park opened, there were hardly anyone there. We quickly walked through the creepy hotel lobby and went into the library. Thor was twirling his fingers together and Loki was holding onto Violet's hand. Steve and Bruce looked a bit bored when the Twilight Zone's theme came on. Nat and Clint were playing games on their phones.

I sighed, and quickly set up a hologram of a ghost from my phone. I made the speakers super loud and once the door opened, the hologram jumped out at Nat, Clint, Steve and Bruce. They jumped back and glared at me.

Loki and Thor were the first to board the elevator. Thor kept questioning us why there was a elevator, with seatbelts. The intro was a bit slow and all of a sudden, the elevator zoomed forward and rose up. Everyone started screaming and when we reached to the top, the view was wonderful, but not for long.

The elevator jumped up and down and only Violet and I posed for the photo. That's my girl.

It finally finished and the team jumped off quickly. Thor wanted to go back on, so did Steve. Annie said we could come back later.

The next place was the Rockin Roller Coaster. I made Thor and Loki sit at the very front. They had no idea what was going on....

We shot out from 0-60 MPH out into the "highway" and zoomed around "LA". Since Vi and I were sitting next to each other, our ride photo was Vi trying to choke me and I had a scared face on.

We stumbled off the ride and everyone's hair was a complete mess, expect for Nat's. How much product does she have in her hair? Loki was fuming with anger, but Thor looked like he had fun.

After watching a few shows and interacting with some of the "famous" movie stars on Hollywood Blvd. it was time to meet the characters.

Thor's POV:

I had quite fun at this land of Hollywood. The thing called "Tower of Tower" is quite exhilarating and how fast the horseless carriage went in seconds. Violet and Stark decided to bring us somewhere inside to meet "characters"

Our band of heroes followed our guide Lady Annie to a large building. She was quite annoyed that I kept calling her Lady Annie. Its the upmost respect in Asgard. Maybe not in Midgard.

We first met a giant marshmallow and a young boy. It was Hiro and Baymax! Loki and I watched this movie during our 3 day marathon of watching disney films. Stark and Violet went up first while Rogers and Banner took photos. The two had a wonderful time and talked a lot with the robot and his handler. Then Clint and Natasha went up. Finally it was Loki and I.

"Hello giant fluffy talking machinery. How are you doing?"

Hiro replied while Stark and Violet snapped pictures.

"Well Baymax and I are doing great at the college. He's been doing a lot of crime fighting with me and the group. I've given him tons of upgrades and he can do so many kung-fu forms! Its really fun!"

Loki spoke up, surprising the whole group "May I give Baymax a hug?"

"Of course!"

Loki disappeared into the marshmallow arms of Baymax and we heard a muffled phrase "He's so soft!" Breaking up the hug, Baymax gave him a fist bump and Stark called everyone into a group picture.

We continued to meet these characters. The Incredibles were incredible!

Violet's POV:

I decided the group shouldn't meet Mickey and his friends till Magic Kingdom, so we went to Pixar place. I knew father(Loki) loves the Toy Story franchise.

As we walked into the archway of Pixar place, the green solider men jumped out at me. Catching me off guard, I screamed quite loud, resulting my dad grabbing my shoulder, Steve/Thor jumping at the green man and Loki trying to conjure a spell.

Everyone quickly calmed down and I profusely apologized to the green men. They quickly waved me off and motioned to himself that he was perfectly fine.

We went into the line and waited a short time till we met Woody and Buzz. Only Loki, dad, Thor and I were going in. Everyone else waited for us at the exit.

I went with father and had a very fun conversation with Woody and Buzz. Buzz loved father's green shirt and Woody loved my cowboy hat. Our conversation must have lasted 10 minutes! It was time to go, but before that, father conjured a small gift to Woody and Buzz. It was a mini replica of the duo, with us in it. They took it gratefully and we waved goodbye!

The whole team went on Midway Mania, in which of course Clint won. Thor wanted to go back on to the Rockin Roller coaster and the thrill rides. Steve and Clint went with him.

The rest of the group wanted to catch the last Indiana Jones show. Nat secretly signed Tony up to volunteer. Laughing, in awe and taking pictures was the best at the show. Dad had to pretend to shoot Indy which would backfire and dad would pretend to die. He did the most awesome death in which required fake choking, screaming "I LOVE YOU VIOLET", squirming around the ground and giving a last cough before "dying" and giving another cough. The best show I ever watched.

It was time to watch Fantasmic and eat dinner. We re-grouped the team and Annie led us to the Fantasmic dining spot. The whole show was beautiful and there were so much energy!!!

Sadly it was time to end the day. But I can't wait to go to Epcot tomorrow!

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