1: The Pact

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Quinn walks over to her group of friends, Rachel, Santana, Marley and Kitty.

"SOS, meet me in the back courtyard." She says, walking to the back courtyard, bringing her bag, too. She was going to tell them about the pregnancy, and ask advice on how to tell Sam.

They started asking what was going on, so she dug through her bag and pulled out the positive pregnancy test.

"We're here for you, Quinn." Marley immediately says.

"Quinn, you have many options here, and I'd give the thing up." Kitty says.

"No. I'm not doing that again." Quinn shakes her head. "Not this time."

"I-I would go with what Kitty said. It's only July and you're going to be a senior in high-school. You and Sam can't raise a baby. It just won't work." Rachel tells her the truth.

"I already said no to that." Quinn snaps. Santana was the only one who wasn't speaking, and Quinn notices it. "Tana, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not." Santana's voice cracks, as she tries to avoid crying. She hated her emotions and wanted everyone to think that she was strong, and all her built up anger and sadness was starting to show.

"You can tell us anything. You know that." Marley tries cheering her up.

Santana shakes her head, "I can't. This time is much more different than the others."

"Please, tell us." Rachel says.

"I found out that I'm pregnant a few weeks ago and...and I was going to get an abortion but Puck didn't even know," Santana spills, and begins sobbing into their arms.

"It's okay, Santana." Quinn whispers, hugging her close. Santana's her best friend and she hates it when she's sad, and always tries to cheer her up.

Kitty checks her phone and gasps.

"What? What is it?" Rachel asks.

"It's almost nine minutes into first period."

"So? Right now we need to comfort Santana and Quinn." Marley says.

"It sucks that they're doing this alone." Kitty says, frowning.

"What if they didn't have to do it alone?" Rachel suddenly asks, a devilish smirk appearing on her face.

"What do you mean by that, Rach?" Quinn looks up.

"What if Marley, Kitty and I all got pregnant too? Then we could all lean on each other for support and you two wouldn't have to go through this whole pregnancy situation alone. Plus, our kids would grow up to be best friends just like us." Rachel explained.

"I'm in." Kitty says, smiling at Quinn and Santana.

"Guys, as much as I love you all, I don't know. It's a pretty huge risk and so many things could go wrong-"

"Just do it, Marls. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" Kitty asks.

"Fine. I'll do it. But just remember on how I warned you when things go bad."

And boy, do they wish they had listened to Marley.

Okay so yay! This is my new fanfiction. The chapters will get longer, this is like an introduction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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