The Sheep Colors

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(Pink Sheep POV)

I looked in my new area and I turned to my new friend, Piggy. An ugly, sheep-looking piggy. Then I smelled wheat and "baaaaa" ed. The player was taking me somewhere. It led me up a hill, one I had used to roam, and into an area surrounded by stone. The player said: "follow me, Pink!" I did as told and he led me to a glass area. Then, the player pulled out more wheat. I saw a sheep, not just any sheep though. It was YELLOW! I "baaaaaa" ed loudly. Then after that, the person showed me more sheep. So many colors! Black, brown, white, grey, the yellow, and it turns out it dyed the yellow one yellow, and it dyed a gray one red! I bounced around and I was spinning in circles, when the player pulled out wheat and led me back home.

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