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Destiny's POV

"Wake up Mr. Tommo!" I yelled at my brother jumping up and down next to him. When I saw that he didn't budge I went on my knees so that my lips was right next to his ear and then yelled" Your gonna be late for school!!" He immediately woke up and gave me a death glare. " "I'm gonna get you for that!" He yelled while I was running out of his room. I quickly took a shower and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a black leather jacket with my black and white daisy crop top and my black converse. I quickly got dressed and made my hair into a neat bun. When I was done I grabbed my schoolbag and went downstairs to be greeted by the delicious smell of pancakes. My mom gave me my plate with three pancakes and I quickly ate it up. Before I left I placed my plate in the dishwasher, kissed my mom goodbye and grabbed my lunch.
My dad dropped me off at school and went to work. I groaned knowing that a new school year just began. Before I could continue feeling sorry for myself I heard Sydney's voice calling for me. I turned around seeing my best friend walk towards me. I smiled and began walking towards her.
" Hi Sydney I missed your fat butt so much!!" I joked.
" I bet I missed yours more!" She said
The bell rang so we walked to our lockers together. I quickly got all my books and went to my first class that is English. I have that period with Mr. Clarke.

I went into class and sat at an empty desk. Mr. Clarke came in and greeted us.

" Hello you guys I'm gonna be your teacher for English this year." He said with a smile, " Oh and there's a new student this year. Niall Horan."
When he was done talking a blond haired guy came in and stood next to the teacher.
" Niall you will be sitting next to Mrs. Tomlinson." The teacher said pointing to where I was sitting. I smiled when he sat down. " Destiny" I said extending a hand for him to shake, " Destiny Tomlinson."
He gladly shook my hand and said "Nice meeting you Destiny I'm Niall. Niall Horan."
I smiled at him and turned to face the teacher who was talking about what were gonna do this year. A couple of minutes later the bell rang signalling the end of the period. I quickly packed my books and went to my next class that is Art. Sydney does art with me so I kept a seat open for her. She came in followed be the art teacher. She is a young woman probably somewhere in her twenties. She looked really friendly.
She told us that since it's the first day of school we could do what we want to or even talk with our friends. I smiled. I knew it. She's a friendly teacher. I turned to Sydney and we started chatting about random stuff. After chatting we started to get bored, so we eatch grabbed a piece of paper and started doodling. Then the teacher walked around the class looking at what were doing. When she came to our table she stopped and stared at my picture.
" Destiny, you definitely have talent I mean seriously are you sure you didn't let a famous artist do this for you?" She asked.
" No mam, and thank you for the compliment." I said smiling
" Any time dearie" she said smiling.
A few minutes later the bell rang
so me and Sydney went outside to have lunch. I opened my lunchbox finding a chocolate bar, an apple, a packet of peanuts and a ham and cheese sandwich.
" Yum." I said looking at my food.
" Hey Sydney do you want some of my food?" I asked her.
"Yes please!!" She said smiling brightly. I took my chocolate bar and handed it to Sydney.
" Thanks!" She said.
The rest of the school day went by quickly and I was about to climb into my dad's car when I was stopped by someone calling me. When I turned around I saw Niall running towards me.
"Hey Destiny!"He said, "Do you want to come over to my house so that we could work on that science project?"
"Sure let me just ask my dad." I said and quickly stuck my head trough the car window and asked Louis (AKA dad).

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