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H- "Hey love :)"

H- "Love?"

H- "Where are you? I know that you're not asleep, it's only 11:27!!"

H- "Babe I started to worry :/"

Y- "I'm not your love or asleep. Stop worrying, and maybe texting me?"

H- "Woah, what's wrong babe?"

H- "Come on, talk to me :("

Y- "Stop texting me, I hate you."

H- "If you're trying to break my heart, then you just did."

H- "Just tell me why you mad at me and then don't send anything else, just let me know."

Y- "FINE. You promised not to leave. You said that you'll sleep and that I'll wake up to see you laying next to me. But guess what? YOU WERE LYING. I HATE YOU."

H- "Can you please stop saying that you hate me? It really hurts."

Y- "I'm sorry :'( I don't hate you I just hate how much I love you."

H- "I love you too babe♡ and I'm so f**king sorry I really didn't mean to bother you I just....I really had to go."

Y- "So you have another thing that's more important than me. Thanks."

H- "NO! Okay, fine I'll tell you. I have a friend okay? He's an artist and he doesn't live in this country. I wanted him to draw me something and he did. He was yesterday in this city just to bring me the picture and I couldn't say no. He came here just to bring the sketch for me."

Y- "......."

H- sent a photo at 11:32 p.m
(pic to the side is the photo he sent)

Y- "Oh my god, it's so beautifully done! He's a real artist."

H- "Babe, it's not him the good artist but you're so beautiful :)"

Y- "Awwwwww♡ I'm feeling like a jerk now for treating you like that :("

H- "Don't ever! You're the sweetest ever even when you're angry. It's hot ;)"

Y- "^_^"

Y- "Are you going to keep the photo for yourself or will you give it to me? ^_^ "

H- "Lol. It was supposed to be for you but for being so nosy I'll keep it for me XP"

Y- "-_-"

H- "Lol. But seriously, I was going to keep it for myself because if you want to look at something beautiful, you just have to hold the mirror. But me? I had to have something beautiful to look at."


H- ":)"

H- "Gotta go babe. Sweet dreams."

Y- "Only if you're in them♡ sweet dreams to you too."

H- "I frickin' love you."

Y- "Love you too, babe :)"


Hope you like it loves=) tell me your thoughts in comments please and don't forget to vote and share=)

See ya :*

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