Meeting! Mashton

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Video game shop

It was 12:00 and you were at work, at a video game shop. You just got back of your break. It was fairly quiet. Some people her and there but not a lot. Maybe 4 or 5 people.

You were staking video games in there rightful place, until you heard the door chimes go of. You looked up to see a guy maybe 19 or 20. He had skinny jeans on and he had a rip near where his knee would be on the right side. With a black and red flannel buttoned up with the first button undone. His hair was black and you noticed he had a eyebrow piercing. He went the opposite way to you and you saw writing on the flannel that write 'Idiot' in capital letters.

You've seen him before but you couldn't remember what or where you've seen him from. You just turn back to put the last game on the self and return to the till. 5 minutes later he's in front of me with a game called 'Fifa 5' i was bright out of my thoughts when the tall black haired boy said "Can I have this and your number." "I don't know can you." I reply. "I will take that as a yes, and would you be interested to...umm go on a...umm date with me?" He says stuttering at the end. "yeah sure." I grab a pen from the counter and grab his hand and write my number on it. "That will be £6.00 please." as I scan the game. "Would you like a bag." "uh no thanx."i give it back and he said text you the details.

He than walked out the door.



It's the day. The day I get to a signing my favourite band. 5sos know as 5 seconds of summer. I can't wait. my favourite is Ashton. He's so hot and he's just an adorable little thing. I'm going with my friend (y/bf/n).

We were on our way and all we could think about and talk about is them.

There was a couple of people in front of us now and I was shaking like nobodies business. (y/bf/n) started to shake is well.

20 minutes later it our turn. I go over to Michael first and (y/bf/n) goes to Calum. Luke signs my CD. Then I go to Michael. Then Calum. Finally it's Ashton.

"Hey, can you sign my CD please." I say politely. "Yeah, sure what's your name sweet." He says."(y/n)." I said while he singled it. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said making me blush. I put my head down to hide it. "No, don't put your head down, it was cute when you blushed." My cheeks turned even more red if that's even possible. "Could I have your number if that's okay with you." He says shyly. "yeah sure." I give him my number and he gives me his number. After he gives me his number it's the other persons turn.

A couple days has gone and me and Ashton are still texting each other.

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