Chapter 2

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                         Beep, beep, beep, beep. 6:00 Sunday morning. My clock blinked as I turned to slap it quiet. Ugh that noise always bugs me, makes me jump to the other side of the room. Slowly but surely I made my way out of my bed, and out to the bathroom........... I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I went to my room, put on a beautiful dress that's only worn on Sundays. I looked in the mirror and starred. My long hair just passed my shoulders just like my moms, dirty blonde. Beautiful tan skin not dark but I'm also not pasty white, I get it from my mom's side, Indian and proud. I even looked at my heritage from the Chippewa tribe. Then there's my blue eyes, they're just normal blue eyes but whenever I wear a blue shit or outfit they glow like lights shining. I put on my make-up and dress shoes that perfectly matched my dress. I walked out of my room and into Alex's room he was all dressed up in his dress pants and shirt, with his black shoes. These are our only nice clothes. Out the door we went, as we went down the stairs I told Alex to stay away from the puddles. We walked down the street and turned the corner to walk into the churches driveway, when we saw a strange man watching us. I blinked once, and he was gone. I stopped, rubbed my eyes, and started to walk again.

"Did you see that man" I asked

"No, what man?" he answered.

"The guy that was standing right over there?"

"Over whe...."



We walked into the church to be greeted by Pastor John.

"Greetings there young ones, service is about to start, make your way into the sanctuary."

"Hello, okay we will. Alex say hi."

"Hi there mister how are you?!!!"

"Good, and what about you? What is your name?"

"I'm Alex, this is Willow, we are just fine, talk to you after the service."


As everyone started to get up and mingle with each other she walked up to Pastor John to create a better relationship to stand on. She sent Alex off to go find some kids his age in hopes he'd make friends that would be a good influence.

"So, what brings you here?" Pastor John asked me as I walked up.

"My aunt got a job here, we're kind of used to moving a lot."

"I didn't mean what brought you to New York I meant what brought you to church."

"I've always gone to church even though my aunt says it's a waste of time and rest to get up this early, but it keeps me close to my parents."

"Where are they?"


"I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."

"Well I hope that you find it nice here, and shall God be with you and your family."

*After Church*

Alex and I left about 30 minutes after the service, we started to walk towards

Bud n' Burger. The bell of the door went off as we walked into the restaurant, and a man toward us to seat us. By the looks of the restaurant not a whole lot of people ate here this early.

"Booth or table?"

"Booth, please Willow?!" Alex pleaded

"Fine." "But by the window please."I told the man

"Right this way." he said handing us the menus.

We sat down and started to look at what they had it all seemed the same burgers and pop. The man came over and we placed our order it was when I was giving him the menus I noticed some guy in the corner wearing all black with his hood up that I never noticed before. Once he noticed me staring at him he got up and left almost not making a sound. After we finished eating I took Alex home since I still had school supplies to get I decided to go alone.






I reached our house and was bracing myself for the mexicans, but no one was there I decided it was a good thing too. Reaching my level of the apartment I went to my door only it was open not just opened but broken on the latch. Slowly walking I silently push open the door looking inside looked like a tornado went tore through my entire living room.

Out of TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang