I don't want this

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Kevin ran out the double doors and into the rain. He honestly didn't care if Edd had his bag or not. What was he going to do with a few old text books anyway? Black mail him for turning in a late exam? Edd was already the smartest kid in the whole damn school, and even surpassed a few teachers. Which made people hate him more to be honest. Not that Edd cared. Kevin stopped at the end of the parking lot. His chest hurt and his breathing was quick and breaking. He turned around to see Edd staring at him. He was a good 50 feet away but kevin could see the frown Edd wore. He almost looked disappointed... Edd turned to a black Toyota Camry parked close to him. Kevin gave a look of confusion as Edd walked towards the car. Which looked to be in perfect condition. Edd pulled out his keys from his bag and sat down. The red haired boy took a few steeps back to get out of Edds way as the car drove passed him. Kevin sighed and continued walking down the sidewalk. The rain was cold and heavy on him. He felt almost sick. Which he very likely would be.
"Why did he turn out the way he did?"
Kevin thought. He remembered the scared little wimp that Edd was when he was younger. The way he would lend you a hand even if you where mad at him. Or how he would follow Eddy around like a lost puppy. But now he would easily put you in the hospital for even looking at him wrong.
"Was it all the bullying? Did something happen to him?"
Kevin looked up at the gray sky. He felt strange. He felt like he should get to know Edd. But then again he did just threaten him. "Ughhhhhhhh!!!" Kev stomped on a puddle causing water to splash onto him. "Just my luck..." Kevin mumbled with a frown. In worse news everyone at school would probably think he was a stalker now. Peach Creek high was relatively close to the neaborhood he and the others lived in, so the walk would only take a few minutes, but the rain still made it harder. Thunder boomed over Kevin as he walked through his neaborhood. Then something odd caught his eye. Evey house had lights on except one, Edd's house. Kevin was puzzled by the fact that edd didn't have any lights on. But oh well. It's not like he really cared. Kevin shrugged and walked up his driveway only to be stopped at the front door. A black trash bag was wrapped around the handle of the door with a note taped on the top. The red head grabbed the bag and and went inside. "Mom I'm home!" Kevin whispered yelled as he threw his shoes on the ground and ran upstairs. The red haired woman grunted in response and continued sleeping. Her long hair pooling over the couch and onto the floor.
Kev shut is door behind him. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. He already know what he would find in the bag but it was still unnerving to think Edd had just left it there. Kevin slowly opened his eyes and peered at the post-it note. He read it out loud in a rather shaking voice.
"Dear kevin, I have no use for this, so I'm bringing it back. Your bag is filthy. And you failed your chemistry test. Study harder or you'll never make it into a good College, pumpkin. ~Eddward."
Kevin didn't know if he should be offended of impressed that Edd could determine how bad he did on a test in less then ten minutes while driving.
"Jerk" kevin whispered while crumpling up the paper and throwing it into the trash bin next to his door. He didn't want to think of him anymore. It was Friday. He didn't have school tomorrow which meant he wouldn't run into Edd. The thought of not seeing him for two whole days made kevin smile. The red head fell backwards onto his bed and looked up at the glow-in-the-dark stars plastered all over the selling. Kev turned His head to side and looked at the clock.
(Time skip to 10:30 p.m)
He couldn't sleep. His thoughts where to loud. This was hell for him. "Danmit...why can't I just fall asleep already?!" Kevin grabbed his head. He pulled the covers back. He walked over to the window. He needed some fresh air. A cold gust of wind hit kevin's face as he open the window. It was a cool, damp night. And The neighborhood was silent. It was so peaceful. Kevin took in a deep breath and exhaled. He loved how this felt. He looked down on the neaborhood but his eyes wheir drawn to Edd's house. Kevin froze. Edd was leaning against his car, smoking a cigarette. He looked spaced out and worried. "What is Edd doing outside at this hour?" The red head leaned forward to look more closely. Kevin noticed that Edd wasn't wearing his hat. His black hair was down to his shoulders and glistened in the moonlight. Edd shook his head and looked up at kevin. Kevin felt his heart stop (In a bad way) and took a step back. Edd frowned and put out his cigarette. Kev whimpered. Eddward when back into His house and shut the door.

The next morning
Kevin woke up with a yawn. He felt horrible. He had stayed up all night walking around his room because he couldn't sleep.
~buzzz buzzz buzzz~
Kev reached over to his night stand and grabbed his phone.
"Hey Kev!"
"Hey Nazz, what's going on?"
"Not much. That's why I'm calling."
"No problem. So you wanna hang out at the mall?"
"I kinda sleep late last night..."
"Great! I'll pick you up in five!"
With that she hung up. Kevin sighed and got up. He did not want to do this, but what choice did he have? Nazz is not the type of person who would give in so easily so their was no chance for him to back down. Even though he never agreed to go in the first place. Nazz was shy around most people but when it came to kevin, he was another story completely. She opened up to him. She felt safe telling him her problems, and kevin didn't mind listing to them. That's the way its always been with them. Kevin pulled on a white t-shirt and navy blue jacket with a pare of kakhi pants. He grabbed his hat from the top of the dresser and put it on. He looked nerdy as always and he loved it. Kev then ran down stairs and slipped on his convers. He walked outside and sat on a lawn chair until Nazz pulled up in her tiny white Volkswagen. She was wearing her reading glasses with a bright green beanie, plaid green shirt and blue jeans. Kevin opened up the car door and sat down.
"So What are we doing at the mall?"
Kevin asked with a smile.
"No idea, but it's going to be awesome!, now buckle up, I don't need a ticket."
The red head nodded and buckled up.
The car ride To the mall was more then kevin could handle. Nazz went on and on about how she passed her biology exam with a A+ even though she barely had enough time to study.
"Show off" kevin mumbled. Nazz rolled her eyes and parked between too larger cars. Kevin could barely open the car door wide enough but managed to squeeze through anyway.
"So kevin, do you have any plans for Monday?" Nazz smiled and fixed her glasses as she walked.
"Monday?, no I didn't think so."
Nazz nodded and continued walking.
The mall was cool inside and smelled of hotdogs. Kevin took in a deep breath and smiled. "It smells awesome in hear!"
"I know right!?"
They both laughed. They spent two hours snacking and beating each other at arcade games before kevin had to go. Nazz frowned but agreed and they both started walking towards the exit. He had to admit todat was fun, but his mom worked the midnight shift and got home around 6:00. And they left around 1:30. He wasn't worried about his dad catching him because of the fact that he left them four years ago when he was just thirteen and hadn't called in two months. Even the thought of his dad made him mad.
"Come on Edd, this way!" Kevins eyes went as wide as saucers. He turned his head to see Maria pulling Edd by the hand. The seconds felt like hours as Edd's eyes slowly met Kevins. His heart stopped. But Edd continued walking as if he had never seen kevin before in his life.
((Thank you guys so much for all your patience! I will be updating more since I'm into the kevedd fandom again. Please like and comment for more "Me And My Monster"!))

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