Chapter 1

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You know that awkward MID LIFE crisis that people talk about? Yeah, it's happening to me... at 19 years old. Now that I've graduated from high school, started college at Ohio State University, and began looking for a job to balance with college, I've been feeling really bummed out that I'm finally becoming an adult. That means no more running around with neighborhood friends, no more hide-and-seek, no more childhood fun, and, well, no more being a kid. Being an adult is nothing I'd thought it would be. There is just too much responsibility and not enough fun. There are way more consequences involved when you make the wrong decision that it's just so frustrating. Starting my life as an adult is the most anxiety-inducing thing I've ever experienced so yes that's why I feel like I'm having a MID LIFE crisis.

Okay, so maybe I'm not going through a full-blown MID LIFE crisis, just a small MID LIFE crisis. Not only do I now have to pay for my own clothing, food, and gas, but I have to pay all kinds of bills for my apartment, college tuition, car payments, and now credit card bills. Thanks a lot to capitalism.  I know, it sucks but that is the life of a 19-year-old. Especially for me. I wish I was like some teens my age that could have their parents help them financially with anything but having a dad who drinks heavily and can barely support himself and a dead mom it was really hard to even stay at home. I know I made the right decision to leave home but I also just miss the nostalgia that is childhood even with the predicament I found myself in staying home.

Oh, and college is hard! Every class requires an extraordinary amount of brainpower. High school was nothing but teachers simply spoon-feeding you information. I love a good challenge so college excited me but I now really hate it. The only class that is worth the brainpower is science class. My professor teaches the most interesting things, like the systems of the body and how they work to maintain a stable and healthy body. My favorite systems are the nervous system and the muscular because they're so complex and interesting. The nervous system always reminds me of a little army, the way the nerves all talk together and keep each other updated about what's happening inside and outside of the body.

I sigh as I walk down the halls of college in high heels, one of my least favorite kinds of shoes. I am wearing high heels to look as professional as possible. My ankles bend with every step, and I almost fall on several occasions, which would make me look completely unprofessional and childish. As I approach my professor, an older man with brown hair and creases in his forehead, I smile.

"Hello, Cassandra," he says, smiling warmly.

"Hello, professor," I greet. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes," he says. "If you would please, step into my office." He walks into the room beside him and beckons me to follow, which I compliantly do. "You said you were looking for an internship, correct?" he asks, sitting down at his desk.

"Correct." I nod.

"Well, I believe I have found something that you would like," he says. He opens a drawer in the desk and pulls out a stack of paper. "You like science, right?"

"I love science," I say, smiling. "It's my favorite subject."

He nods in agreement. "Good, then you'll love this job. That is if you take it." He slides the stack of paper across the desk to me and I realize it's a pamphlet

"Cyril Incorporation," I read aloud.

Professor nods. "It is a very high-tech science lab that has been around for about thirty years." He says as I read the pamphlet.

This place looks so cool. I wanted to know everything about the place. So I wanted to keep asking questions.

"What kind of science are they involved with?" I ask.

"They don't test on animals," he says, chuckling. "But they are working on something that they say will change our nation for the better. It'd be nice to live in that glory if it succeeds. But, unfortunately, they won't let the public in on it."

I smile. Even though what he said was a little creepy. What company doesn't test with animals at least first? I didn't care about that because the job sounds great. "It sounds wonderful. Thank you, professor."

He smiles back. "It was no problem, Cassandra."


This is so exciting! I stand up out of the chair so quickly that my ankles give and I fall because, of course, I can't stand up fast wearing heels.

"Oops," I laugh and smile in excitement at my professor. "Thank you so much, Professor!"

He also smiles. "You are very welcome, and my name is Quinn. Would you like to help up?"

I look up at him, embarrassed. "Yes, please."

The professor grabs my hand and carefully pulls me up. He then smiles at me. "I wish you good luck on the job, Cassandra Greyson."

As I drove home the words "Living in the glory and Change our nation for the better." were in my head. Like that's such a bizarre statement. It's the kind of statement people say when someone is campaigning to be president but a corporation's revolutionary idea that could change the nation? They aren't like Steve Jobs so I don't think that there could possibly be something so revolutionary. My science professor seems really sure that whatever they're doing, it must be the best thing since the iPhone. We'll see about that. 

Once I get home, I start checking my email. As I click through, I see I have an email from Cyril Corporation. I didn't know that they had my email, but I let it slide, thinking that professor Quinn gave them my email without my knowing. The thought evades my mind as I am too excited to think about anything other than opening it. I open the email and it is a video that is going over the pamphlet and a few rules. It ends with saying that they are taking in interviews Monday.

Please respond as soon as possible, the sooner the better, if you would like the job.

~Cyril Corporation

The email was like a trance and I have never excepted an offer as fast as I have with this email. I smile widely and laugh to myself. I got a job, I have a job. I have a job!

Yes, I will be there first thing Monday morning. Thank you!

~Cassandra Greyson

I read the email a hundred times over before even looking at the SEND button. Taking a deep breath, I place my mouse over the button and click it. After a few minutes, I get another message from Cyril Corporations.

Okay, see you Monday! We are looking forward to meeting you!

~Cyril Corporations

"This is going to be great!" I tell my self. This job could open other doors for me. Maybe I can help on that experiment that is supposed to change our nation for the better. For the greater good. Yeah, that's the word.

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