The New Years Ghost (True Philippine Ghost Stories)

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The period before the holidays was extremely stressful for my family. My husband had a major surgery during this time and the usual demands of the holidays and our busy lives seemed to stretch us to the limit. Around this time, I began to see glimpses in the corner of my eye of an individual outside our house. The figure was definitely a young man. I put it down to a stressed out mind and really didn't think much of it. Since the beginning of the New Year, I haven't seen the figure at all.Around the 1st of the year, odd things have begun to happen in the house. We have heard "footsteps" on the stairwell going up to the living room. My cat has been alone in a room and made his happy greeting "meow" when no one is there. In the middle of the night, a TV remote flew off the dresser in our room to the floor (my husband saw this happen).

A week ago, my husband was putting away Christmas decorations and was bending down to wrap up some ornaments. He was home by himself at the time. As he bent down, he felt something tug at the waistband of his shorts and then pat him gently on his lower back. He turned around to find no one there, not even one of our cats. The odd thing was that while it startled him, it didn't scare him.Other incidents stand out. The downstairs toilet stopped flushing last night; we discovered that the water had been turned off to the tank - something no one else in the house would know how to do except myself. We have found doors locked in the house that no one remembers locking.

The strange thing is that in correlation to this activity, the stress levels I have experienced before the end of last year are gone, and I feel as though a weight has been lifted from me.

Our townhouse is the first structure on the area in recent times. However, the area I live in has been occupied by people going back thousands of years to the original Paleo Indians, the Ohlones and then Mexican and Californian settlers.If there are any other occurrences, I wil follow up with a future post.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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The New Years Ghost  (True Philippine Ghost Stories)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ