secret daughter

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"No no no." Joe waved in dismissal. "It's not possible, she can't be mine."

"But she is Joe Joe-bey." Tiffany whined, following him around the kitchen.

I sat here and watched them argue for the past half hour and honestly, I could do for a burger right about now.

This definitely wasn't how I pictured meeting my biological parents, but they're both here now right?

"She does look like me." He looked at me and gave a sympathetic smile. "Wait, what am I saying? Tiffany, you can't just barge into my hou-Mel's house and tell me we have a 15 year old daughter!"

"Well it sucks for you Joe Joe-bey because that's exactly what I'm doing."

"No, how could I have not known? You know, with the–" he made an air baby bump with his hands.

"In '00 I left for that so called business trip to Hawaii remember? Well there was alot more business than you thought."

"You know what Tiffany?" He pointed. "I still don't believe you."

"Um." I spoke for the first time. "I have a DNA test."

"She has a DNA test." Tiffany mimicked.

"You have a DNA test. How'd you get a DNA test?" Joe asked bewildered.

"You left your hair brushes at my apartment." Tiffany replied. "Although, there wasn't much hair to pull, you know because–" she motioned to his short buzz cut hair.

"Hey! This is a choice." He ran a hand through his non-existent long hair.

"Not a very good one." She muttered.

"Anyways, remind me to grab those."

"Joe you left your brushes at my place." She said monotonously.

I snickered. Joe scoffed. "May I see the tests?"

"Oh, yea..." I dug through my messenger bag for the loose papers and handed them to Joe.

He began scanning through the papers looking for a conclusion. "Joe Longo is not excluded as the biological father of Riley Elizabeth Longo. 100%." He took a moment to himself, staring into thin air.

He looked up and whispered to himself. "I'm a father."

"Wow," Tiffany rolled her eyes. "who would've thought."

"And you..." He walked up to me and cupped my cheeks. "You're my daughter." He laughed hysterically.

I laughed quietly. "I am."

"Yea, about that. Joe, here's the thing." Tiffany held sour expression. "You know Gabriel right? Surfer hair, beach bod, blue eyes? Well we're getting married in two weeks."

"Wait what?" I got up from my seat.

"Whoa, whoa Tiffany." He held a hand out defensively. "What do you mean getting married?"

"I mean a white poofy dress, a veil, flower girls and one hunky hubby." She practically fangirled. "So you could have full custody of Riley here." She draped her arm around my shoulder successfully.

I scoffed and removed her arm. I couldn't believe this. I finally get to meet my real parents and my biological mom throws me away, again.

"I thought it'd be a great surprise–the wedding not her." She pointed to me. "She's just a gift from me to you." Tiffany smiled. "And my excuse to tell you I'm getting married!"

"Joe?" I kept my gaze to the floor. "Where's the um, the bathroom?"

"Through that door," he exhaled. "around the corner, sweetie."

I bolted towards the bathroom, closed the door shut and leaned against it. My wobbly knees felt weak, causing me to slide unhurriedly to the ground.
I could feel the wet tears rolling down my cheeks and dripping onto the cold porcelain floor.

I could practically hear Joe yelling at this point. A door slammed.

She's leaving me again.

Joe's never going to take me in.

I'm going back to my foster parents.

"Riley?" Joe knocked. "Hey Riley, you alright?"

"No." I caved.

"C'mon Riley, unlock the door."

I wiped the remaining tears with my sleeve and found the courage to unlock the door.

Joe stood there, studying my appearance before pulling me into a hug. "Awe sweetie." He rubbed my back. "I'm sorry this probably wasn't how you pictured today to turn out, but I can take full custody of you if that's what you'd like."

"Really?" I looked up at him as he nodded gently.

"And you know what? Screw Tiffany. She doesn't know who she's missing out on."

I put on a smile for him, but we both knew what it really meant.

Sure I was sad I've only gotten to see my mother for about an hour and it was a total disaster but meeting my dad–my real dad is the best thing I could ever ask for.

"Come eat. You must be starving, and we have alot of catching up to do."

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