Chapter One: I Have To

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   "Oh my god why won't you close?!" I pound my fist onto the top of the over stuffed suitcase. Ugh why do I always over pack.

   I hear a laugh from my doorway and I see my roomate Ken Batch standing there grining. "Need help?" I smile "Ha yeah!"

   Ken walks over and pushes onto the lid of the suitcase and O force the zipper shut. I grin thanks "Thanks." He grins and nods. "Do you really need all that? I mean you'll only be there for like two days. I just smile and shrug. "Eh probably not but I like to look nice and not wear the same ole same. He laughs "Well I'm heading out. Ill see you Sunday right? I nod "Yeah assuming my parents font kill me." I shudder.

He hugs me. "It'll be ok alright? Call me if you need anything. Sure thing
He gives me another hug and I hug him back. "Laters." he says and walks out of my room and shuts the door. I hear him leave the dorm and I sit down on my bed. I glance at my watch. 6:00pm. Ugh I guess I should leave.

I grab my suitcase and take it off the bed and look around to make sure i didn't forget anything. Lastly I look in the mirror something I was taught to do bye my parents. Never go out not knowing what your appearance. Is. Right now it shows a boy who's 5'10 with sandy hair and has green eyes. He also looks tired and srresses.Why is he so stressed ? once again Ill get back to you on that.

I grab my suitcase and walk out of the room and into the living room part of the dorm. I look around and make sure that I haven't forgotten anything which I hadn't. I Turn off the lights and leave the dorm room and go down the hall way and to the elevator and i press the lobby floor. It goes down five floor and down to the lobby which is generally empty other than a couple of people who look at me. I ignore them all and keep walking through the sitting area and out to the parking garage. I go over to my row and to my car and unlock m convertible Mercedes. A 17 year old with a Mercedes? Good idea? No? Not up tome.

I throw my suitcase into the back and shut the trunk. I hop into the car and start it. I sigh. On to living hell. I drive out of the parking lot and on to my parents house. I have to do this.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I know it may have seemed a bit on the dull side but I now have to update using my phone ugh so my chapters will be shorter.

Nevertheless please please PLEASE stick around! This story will be good i promise. I have already started on the chapter and is goood! Anyways please hit the star on the way out and drop a comment if you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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