Everywhere I look, in each hall, hundreds of fantasy novels at cut-throat prices, people dressed up as characters from notable TV shows and an even more interesting mixture of people in the crowds. I'm not one to stereotype but I've always thought that the stereotypical geek image of a guy that's on the pudgier side, complete with ponytail and facial hair was just for TV. Until today.

Fortunately, for every creepy looking geek, there's a counterpart who appears normal. Heh, look at me, judging people based on their looks. If only they knew...

Another startling discovery is that of the number of girls to guys. Again, I've always assumed that there were more guys than girls but lo and behold, lots of girls scattered around.

"You must feel so in your element, huh", Tobias creeps up on me behind and puts on a weird stalker-ish, geek accent.

I slap his shoulder and give him a nice punch to the guts. Lightly. "Oh yes! I am finally with my people!", playing along.

Soon enough, I find myself in the shapeshifter's section. Browsing through books and novels, having a chat with random people (some of which are convinced they're actually shapeshifters). It's really surprising to know how little people actually know about shapeshifting. Almost every description of a transformation involves a huge amount of pain and the need to mate. Riiight...

"I thought I'd find you here", Tobias' voice calls out from behind.

"Do you want a prize for that?", I counter.

"Since you mentioned it, it'd be great if we could have dinner sometime together". Wow. Did he just actually say that? Brave one, this Tobias person.

Almost immediately, I laugh - surprised by his advances. "Yeah, though I have to warn you, I'm vegetarian. So we're gonna' be eating boring".

"It's not boring if you're there". How does he make it sound so casual?!

At a loss for words, I chuck a book at him.

"Hmm, 'Lion's Pride?", as he examines the novel. "Seriously though, it would be pretty damn cool if I could do this whole shapeshifting thing."

You have no idea, Tobias.

"C'mon! They're selling really cheap DVD box sets on 'The Walking Dead', season 3 included!", with that Tobias grabs onto my hand and leads me out away from the shapeshifters section. Usually I'd be pretty upset when someone drags me away without my consent - but I'm not. Heck, I think I like this guy.


8.50pm. We pull up to the front of my house, me clutching three novels about shapeshifters and multiple DVD boxs set of Doctor Who - circa 1980s to the present one, the complete seasons of Animorphs, Manimal and even Sheena - both with the non-shapeshifting Sheena and the animal-morphing one with Gena Lee Nolin. All paid for by Tobias.

Jesus, it's bad enough if he thinks you're just using his money, worst if he thinks I'm some sort of deranged chick with an obsession with shapeshifters.

"Don't I at least get a kiss? After all those shapeshifting shows and books I got ya'?", he says.

I pause, hesitate, and then lean in to kiss him. On the cheek.

"You're gonna' have to do a lot more if you want one on the lips", I tease as I leave his car.

"Wow, aren't you lil-miss-hard-to-get,".

"Believe me, Tobias. I'm way much harder than that. Goodnight and thanks for a wonderful day out.".

He drives off as I head back in only to be met with Lisa. Mum. And Dad. All smirking at me.

"When are we gonna' meet him?", squeals Dad.

"Have you two kissed yet?!", chimes Lisa.

"Honey, look at all the books and things he got you. He must really like you.", adds Mum.

"First off, Dad, he'll meet you guys when all of you start behaving normally...and when we're together, OK? He's just a friend. Lisa, no. Mum, how did you even know he bought me all these things?".

"Do you REALLY expect me to believe you'd buy all of those yourself? Plus, I know when a guy likes a girl and can't resist buying everything she wants. Especially if they're both new to each other.", Mum answers nonchalantly. Sometimes I think she can read minds.

"Oh God! Mum!! Please...". Too late, though. She's got me, the blush on my face betraying me.

"OooooOooooOooooo". I swear, my Dad has the same age mentality of Lisa as they both echo each other.

"You guys are unbelievable!", I stop myself from laughing at their constant pestering. "You guys can try all you want, you're not getting anything outta' me. Goodnight!".

"OooooOoooooooOOooo. Someone's taking the easy way out!. Night, honey! Night sis!", as everyone calls out before I head to my room.


Inside my room, I stack the novels I bought, sorry, got onto the shelf. I will read all of you when I have the time. Chuck the DVDs on my desk and inspect them one by one. Hmm, I can remember watching Animorphs when I was young, Doctor Who was Tobias' attempt at getting me distracted from shapeshifters and Manimal was on air even before I was born. That leaves Sheena, the old and the new.

Seeing as how the latest incarnation of it has elements of shapeshifting, it's only natural I give that a shot. Laptop on, DVD for season one goes in and bring on the popcorn.

Wow. Attractive blonde running around in skimpy jungle clothing and occasionally morphing into animals aside, it's actually a pretty cheesy series. Not bad, but something I wouldn't recommend to friends either.

So the first episode is done and the only highlight of it was when Sheena decides to do her lil' morphing party trick in front of the male lead for the first time - into a jaguar. Horrible effects aside, I'd wish for my potential partner to react the same way as he did. Not exactly freaking out and screaming for the nearest exit but rather in awe and shock.

I don't think I can sit through another episode of this as I shut my laptop and jump into bed.

It's been a long day, after all.

Morph.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن