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*Five Years Later*
(Joey's p.o.v)

Five years. Five horrible years. Alex is still missing and I'm emotionally gone. No one can help me. Our

life was so perfect. Until one day it all crumbled right in my hands. In front of my very own eyes.

Everything gone. People called my name but it's as if I don't hear them. Everything is a blur to me. My

own mother doesn't know who I am. I don't even know myself. I'm a stranger to everyone but most

importantly myself. I'm a monster. "Joey." I look up to see my therapist looking at me terrified. "I'm

so sorry all this happened to you." I shook my head. "It's no ones fault but my selfs." I had just told

this woman everything beginning from the first day of me Alex too the last. "Joey. You're story is

tragic... Heart breaking..." I shook my head. "It's not over. My story is still moving on and I will find

her." And with that I walked out. Not just walked out with my head down and nothing left to do or to

say. But I walked out with my head held high and a mission on my mind. Trust me when I say this.


mission was like no other. This mission was to find my babies mother. And my baby. Those girls are

my life. Even too this day. They never leave my mind. "Joey." My mother puffed. "How did it go? You

were in there longer than expected..." I shook my head. "Mother I don't have time." I stated coldly as I

sped past her towards my car. "Joey stop please!" She cried. I sighed at this. I am a grown man and I

need to find my family. "Goodbye mother." I hissed as I started my car up and began driving. I drove

for what seemed like hours. Hours upon hours upon hours. Finally I stopped at a gas station. "Excuse

me sir." I chimed as I walked into the dead gas station. "What can I do for a feller like you?" He asked.


smirked at this "There is one thing you can try and tell me actually." I reached down into my wallet

and pulled out the very last picture I had taken of Alex before she disappeared and I held it up to his

searching face. "Have you seen this girl... It's kind of an old picture but please sir I'm begging you.

Help me out." He snatched the picture from my hands and scanned it over and over. "You know boy.

I'm going to be honest with you. I've seen her maybe once but that was years ago.. About three?" I

sighed and nodded as he handed me the picture back. "Well I appreciate your help. Wish I could have

got here sooner." He nodded. "Any particular reason you're looking for her??" I put my head down as

all the events occurred in front of my eyes once again. "Sir...She ran away about five years ago and no

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