Chapter 1

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Matt sighed deeply as he laid down on the couch in the small livingroom of his apartment. He turned on the telly and flicked through the channels, stopping at the music channel. He dropped the remote on the ground and put his arm over his eyes, sighing again.

A few days ago Matt moved into the small apartment in the middle of London. He always used to live in Devon, with his Mum and his sheep. But he decided, at the age of 25, that it was finally time to move out and find a proper job. He had been looking on his computer for days, when he finally found the job that seemed okay for him to do. Administrative Assistant. He hated sitting behind a desk, he had too much energy for that, but his Mum was getting on his nerves and presuring him to find a job, so he decided to go for it.

He went to London for an interview, stayed at his friend's, Tom, for the night and got a call the next day that he had the job. He was relieved that he got it, but now he had no place to stay. And he loved his friend, it was a really great guy, but he was also a bit too much to be around with all the time. And now Tom had a girlfriend, it was even worse than usual.

Matt called with his Mum, who put some money on his bank account and he went looking for a place to stay. After searching for several days, he found the little apartment. It was close to his job and in the middle of London. And it wasn't even that expensive! How lucky could he be? He quickly signed the contract and the apartment was his.

After going back to Devon to pick up his stuff, and bringing it to his apartment, Matt moved in. He had to admit it was a bit lonely now, without his Mum or his sheep, but he also liked it a bit. He liked being independent for the first time in his life. It also made him feel quite confident.

But day one at work wasn't as good and fun as he hoped it would be. And neither was the next day, or the day after. His co-workers seemed to like to bully the newbies at the job. When Matt walked in the first day, he already heard sniggering from next to him. When he looked up, to see where it was coming from, the guy started laughing. Matt made his way to the guy, frowning, and asked what was wrong. The guy laughed again and shook his head, ''Nothing... It's just that you look like a fucking rat!'' He said the last part really loud, on purpose, and the rest of the co-workers looked up at Matt, before some of them started laughing too. Matt's whole face turned bright red and he quickly made his way to his desk, hiding his face behind the computer screen.

The days after didn't change much. People kept calling him rat, or meerkat, and made fun of his height and looks. This job really wasn't as fun as Matt expected it to be. He began doubting his decision, maybe he should have stayed in Devon with his sheep and Mum?


That was until the fourth day. A tall, muscled man made his way to Matt, and Matt looked at him in fear, afraid of what was about to happen. The man sat down on the edge of Matt's desk and grinned, ''Don't look at me like that, Jesus Christ!''

Matt gulped and rubbed over his cheek as he blushed, ''I'm sorry... W-Who are you? Do I know you?''

The man laughed and shook his head, ''No, we don't. Well, I know you from what I've heard from our lovely co-workers,'' he quickly held his hands up when he saw Matt gulp again, ''Calm down. I've been working here long enough to know those people. And they fucking suck, you know? Anyway, nice to meet you, Matt. I'm Chris Wolstenholme.'' Chris held out a large hand and smiled when Matt shook it.

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