my Summer day

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Reading in bed till 2am
Getting up at 5 to get the hens
Sleep again till 10
Then time to get up again.
Finished breakfast
Now it's noon.
To the store we must go
To get whatever we need now
Back at home time for lunch
PB&F with chips to crunch.
TV later but ice cream first.
TV on
Laptop up
Sister bugging to see what's up.
"Let's play! Let's play! Let's play a game!"
Now mothers home and I
Swim in the pool with sis till six
Dry off and play with baby chicks.
Back in side with computer up
Checking email and other stuff.
Get a text from best friend
Ignore till the episode ends.
Text back and forth the rest of the night.
Mom leaves then dad comes home
And I have to go.
Frozen something-or-other for dinner tonight
Boring food the same as every night.
Put birds to sleep at 9
Time for bed at 10pm
And now repet the cycle again.

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