If You Ever Wish To Die

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If you ever wish to die don't tell me.

I know your in so much pain  right now and there is nothing I can do about it.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that sorry isn't good enough for the pain you feel.

I'm sorry that I can't take the pain away.

I'm not telling you I'm sorry anymore.

That's what your saying to me while inviting Death.

Death already tried your body.

And because it couldn't take your body, it wants your spirit.

I'm sorry.

My mistake that won't happen again.

I understand that your in so much pain and there is nothing I can do about it.

Forgive me.

If I suggest things that you have already done and it annoys you.

I'm not trying to annoy you, I'm trying to be helpful.

Forgive me.

If you don't feel like what I'm saying is comforting.

You should know it's not comforting hearing you wish to die.

Forgive me.

Because I can't help you through your pain.

And I've never felt it so I can't tell you what it's like

But if you ever wish to die don't tell me

I don't want to have to wake up to find you dead.

I don't want to explain to my little siblings why you won't wake up.

Why you're not moving.

Or why your not breathing.

I want my last memory of you to be alive

Alive because you wanted to be.

I don't want to open a casket and see a cold body that was so full of life once before.

And to know, that is what you wanted to be a cold lifeless body.

If you ever wish to die.

Don't die in my presence.

I want my last memory of you to be alive.

That's why I won't come to your funeral.

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