Tagging System

1.5K 142 50

I already raged and ranted about this a little, but now it's time to go into detail.

Why is it, when I type in a word, I get a MESS of 1D, rape, cliche, IRONIC, pathetic stories?

I wanted "Rant" not "I fall for my kidnapper, a vampire who raped me but I still love him anyways"

Are you fucking kidding me?

Where the hell did I type in any of that shit?

Also, why is it the MOST POPULAR shit is shown first? How does Wattpad expect other people to become famous?

So they want the same shit over and over again.

I see now, fucking favoritism.

My rant book is in the 500s.. Does that mean I have to scroll like 30 times before I finally find my book?

I have but one question.

How the fuck do people find my book?

You people must knowing something I don't. o___o

But anyways, fuck the tagging system, fuck fast food, and fuck MY patience for ONE DIRECTION FAN FICTION.

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