"she already got you a new phone" Minnie said taking the phone out of my hands

"no my mom got it before she came"I said taking it out of her hands

"that's not fair that phones nice"she said pouting her lip

"life's not fair"I said smiling and continuing to text Jeremiah reassuring him I was still alive my phone began to ring I answered it them all staring at me

"Tiffany how are you doing I haven't heard from you in a awhile"said the voice that I knew to well

"Liam why are you calling me"I said looking at my friends who all looked confused

"cause I miss you at all my party's when do you come home"said the voice who got me into this mess

"Liam I can't talk to you anymore"I said all my friends still staring at me even though they couldn't hear him

"oh come on Tiffany you have to remember all the fun times we had"he said I could practically hear him smiling

"I'm sorry I have to go please don't call this number" I said before hanging up the phone

"who was that"Harley demanded once I hung up to phone

"an old friend"I said with a fake smile that I knew they could see past

"liar tell us"he said as they all stared at me

"he's the dude that got me into this mess"I said throwing a pillow at the wall

"oh"Harley said the angry face wiping off

"I'm sorry I didn't think he would ever call again"I said quickly

"it's okay"Harley said sitting down in the chair we all sat in silence for a few minutes

"I mean it's not her fault right you deleted his number and he called you so we shouldn't be mad at her"Minnie said breaking the silence

"yeah I guess"Harley said before standing up and leaving the room ace and ash following after him

"I didn't know he was gonna call"I said looking at Minnie tears in my eyes

"oh honey I'm not mad at you"she said moving to where she was sitting next to me

"you're not"I asked a single tear falling down my cheek

"I could never stay mad at you"she said wiping the tear

"oh good"I said wrapping my arms around her a few minutes later my mom and dad walked in with Christina following behind

"that's my cue to leave I love you"Minnie said before kissing my cheek and standing

"love you too"I said as she walked out "what in the world do you want"I said turning my attention to my mom

"why would you let her get a piercing"my mom said looking at Christina

"cause she's 16 and can make her own decisions and it's not like I had much say in it I didn't take her to the tattoo parlor"Christina said crossing her arms

good girl gone badWhere stories live. Discover now