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Wickedness is not born.  It's made.  Many people often think it is a choice to be evil, but what they don't know is that it's not.  It never is a choice.  Wickedness is inserted by pain, torment, judgment, and even regret.  Sometimes, even the happiest person came become a monster.  Take a girl named Obsidian, for example.  All her life she has been beautiful, fair, and completely happy.  Her hair is blacker than a raven's feather, and her skin is so pail she almost looks like a porcelain doll.  She is 16 years old,  and she has a small waist and soft skin.  Her greatest features were her eyes.  Her eyes were a vivid purple that made lavender flowers look gray.  The eyelashes around them were full and long.  

She loved to sing, and when she sung, her voice rang like bells throughout the stone walls of her home.  Her mother hated it when she sang, and she could never figure out why.  When she wasn't singing, she was usually spending the day learning magic from her mother.  She learned spells of darkness, such as jinxes and curses.  Obsidian never really cared for it, and she always had a secret desire to learn spells of light, and of flora and fauna.  She knew that she never could, for it was forbidden.  You see, Obsidian's mother was no ordinary sorceress, she was the infamous Maleficent.  She was the Mistress of all Evil. 

 Obsidian noticed that her mother was quite on edge lately.  She knew about the curse bestowed on the king's daughter (she honestly felt bad for the princess, for she didn't do anything wrong), but how stressful could one curse be? One night, she was dusting off the shelves in her room when she heard her mother's minions screeching in delight. The sound was so intriguing that she ran down the stairs to see what was going on. "What have you gentlemen found now? Is it a bird, or beast of..." Before she could finish her sentence, she looked at her mother's minions, and saw that they had brought someone with them. The Prince.

"Oh my," Obsidian gasped.  She looked at him with wonder. Why would my mother bring the prince here? What does she need him for?   The prince turned at the sound of her voice.  He was bound in ropes,  and could only turn his neck.  His jaw fell at what he saw.  He never would have expected such beauty in a horrid place such as The Forbidden Mountain.  Obsidian stared back, and the hall was filled with silence.  The two stared at each other for what seemed like years.  A snarling voice broke the silence.  "Throw him in the dungeon," Maleficent sneered.  With that command, Maleficent's minions hauled him down the stairs and into the dungeon.  With a smile, Maleficent turned to her daughter and place a hand on her shoulder. "I won. The curse is fulfilled."

Maleficent had thrown a party to celebrate her victory.  The servants were dancing around and eerie green fire.  Obsidian was reading a book in the back of the room.  She then noticed her mother was gone. She put her book aside and headed toward the dungeon so she could speak to the handsome prince. A huge smile was on her face as she ran down the stairs.  Her joy was cut to a halt when she almost ran into her mother.  It turns out she planned to see the prince as well. Before she could be spotted, she hid behind a column and watched as Maleficent unlocked the door with a key and stepped inside.

After what seemed like ages, she stepped back out, and locked the door.  When the coast was clear, she held out her hand and began to concentrate.  A green glow then emerged from her hand, and within seconds, she had an exact copy of the key her mother used to open the door.  She placed the key in the lock and turned it.  The door opened without any trouble.  She slowly walked inside and shut the door.  The prince was sitting on a large piece of stone, and both of his hands were chained.  When he looked up, his angry expression turned blank.  Obsidian stared down at him with a gentle expression on her face.  She sat down next to him and the two became engaged in conversation.

"Who are you? Are you a prisoner here too?"                                                                                                                 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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