Battle Scars

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A/N So I'm not sure exactly when this takes place or what everyone's ages are for certain (release an official timeline alreadyyyy!), but just know that the HGSS arc has taken place (But ORAS hasn't, because I hate Ruby's new design!).

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon, or the Pokémon Special/Adventures manga

Rain lashed sideways, beating against the windows of a city that had all but retreated, passively waiting out the gale. The wind tore at the sodden grass, and huge swells from the ocean crept further up the beach. The sky was cloaked in clouds and darkening as the sun set, unseen. A flicker of lightning flashed in the menacing overcast. A storm had settled above Lilycove city, and wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon.

Through the sheets of rain, a single figure huddled in a raincoat wended their way towards a small hotel, hunched by the side of a road. The person forced the door open and slammed it closed on the weather. Drawing back the hood of the jacket, a head of spiky brown hair and piercing green eyes were revealed.

"Tch, jacket's been soaked through.." Green Oak muttered to himself as he stomped up to the front desk in a foul mood. The lady behind the counter looked up from her magazine, and her eyes widened slightly.

"My! Were you out in that storm?" She questioned in shock.

"Yes. Where is room... 413?" He asked irritatedly, checking the number on the screen of his pokégear.

"Oh! Fourth floor, first on the left!" She squeaked. He tromped towards the staircase, tracking mud on the carpet. The lady winced at the dark stains he left behind. He made his way up four flights of stairs in favor of the elevator, and easily identified the door he was looking for by the loud shouts and explosions coming from behind it- wait, explosions?! Green forced the door open on utter chaos.

Red, Yellow and Blue were sitting on the couch enjoying snacks and the entertainment provided by Gold and Crystal trying to put Silver's long red hair into a girly hairstyle of some sort, and Emerald was in a corner playing with what seemed to be gunpowder. All activity froze as Green entered the room.

"Okay, what is going on here." He asked in a low voice, "And why does the shrimp have gunpowder?"

"What?" Emerald asked innocently, scooting the offending powder behind his back.

"Oh, we were just waiting for you to get here Greenie!" Blue said brightly, "You sure took your time you know!"

"Yeah seriously." Red yawned, "We finished all the cheese puffs a while back."

"You. Did what." Green asked in a menacing tone.

"Don't worry Green! I made sure to set some aside! You aren't the only one who is late after all." Yellow quickly cut in, and Green nodded thankfully in her direction.

"No kidding. How long does it take those two lovebirds to get to Lilycove? They live in this region for Arceus's sake!" Emerald sighed.

"Whatever. Why am I here again?" Green said, bluntly.

"Ugh. Do you ever listen?" Blue rolled her eyes at him, "The Hoenn trio, well, mostly Ruby, invited us to come and watch a contest tournament and spend a night or two in Hoenn! It'll be so fun! Those tickets aren't cheap either. Not to mention the Lilycove department store!" She breathed, eyes sparkling. It was Green's turn to roll his eyes.

"Hey guys, look! Headlights!" Gold yelled from over by the window. A pair headlights cut through the dark rain, and the humming of an engine was barely discernible over the water and wind.

"Speak of Giratina, must be them." Silver murmured, nimbly dodging Crystal as she tried to ambush him from behind, hair tie in hand.

"Yeah, but why are they driving?" Gold said with confusion.

Battle ScarsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang