A Mystery Unveiled

Start from the beginning

"What's happening Cobalt?"

"Well, Blue and Green got themselves captured by these loons-"


"Yeah. I got it covered. I'm in the process of rescuing them."


"Well, we kinda just jumped into battle with the fans, and Blue gave away where you guys are going, so now it's going to turn into a high speed race to Goldenrod. You need to get to there first, and get everyone outta there."

"Okay, thanks Cobalt. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, but I won't be able to be your spy anymore. Pity it only lasted this long. I'll escape them easy, Cherrygrove's my hometown remember?"

"Yep. Just get them out of there safely. Thanks again Cobalt." He hung up.

"Crys, get out your flying pokémon."

"Huh? But isn't that unsafe?"

"Things have changed. We need to get to Goldenrod asap." Reaching for his pokéballs, he released murkrow.

"Emerald! Leave the kangaskhan!" Crystal yelled, "We're going!"

Xatee grabbed Crystal and Emerald, and Silver reluctantly snatched Jack off the ground, and they took off, praying that everyone would get there fast enough.


A melee of fists, girls, and pokémon obscured Blue's vision as she lay on the grass, covering her head. It was all too much. This was, hands down, the worst day of her life. It even topped the day when she had been attacked by deoxys and thought her parents were gone. And it might even surpass the day that Ho-Oh stole her from her home.

"Hey! Get on up! We're rescuing you here!" She glanced upwards, and her gaze met a cheery girl with shoulder length light brown hair and cyan blue eyes.

"Hi! I'm Cyan!" What a surprise. Blue thought drily. Then again, she knew a lot of people named after their eye color.

"And you might need these!" Cyan handed Blue her pokéballs. Blue gaped at her for a moment.

"Well don't just stand there." Cyan said, frowning, "This is all so you can escape you know." Blue stood, and took in the scene. Another girl was over by Green, who had already gotten to his feet and was helping fend off the encroaching crowd with charizard, machamp, scizor, porygon2 and pidgeot. He wasn't using rhydon because of its earlier traumatic experience with the fangirls. Besides Green's pokémon, there was a quilava, furret, vaporeon, ampharos, skarmory and misdreavus holding their ground. Beside her, Cyan released a feraligatr.

"Well? Get over to Greenie boy and get outta here! Cobalt has all the details!" Slightly disoriented by her situation, Blue released Blasty to fend off any stray fans that came near, and stumbled over to Green and the girl Cyan had called Cobalt.

"You good? Cyan give you your pokémon?" Cobalt asked, and Blue nodded numbly.

"Okay good. So, here's the scheme of things. Unfortunately, you gave away the position of your frie-"

"Ahahaha! No I didn't! I got them there! I just randomly said a city and that stupid girl fell for it!" Blue trilled.

"...Seriously?" Cobalt stared at her. Green face-palmed.

"Blue, I thought you were sharp." Green said.

"What?" Blue questioned defensively.

"Well... The one city you said is where your friends are actually going." Cobalt replied.

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