Kili x Reader

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Song this is based off of: Roslyn- Bon Iver & St. Vincent

Word Count: 823

Warnings: Mentioned Death

It had been 6 months since the Battle of the Five Armies and the quest for Erebor. The battle had been long and hard fought and wrought grief on the company. Out of the 13 who had set off, only 12 had returned. Fili, brother of Kili, had died valiantly at the side of Thorin Oakenshield, when Azog had pierced him through the heart. Kili had taken Fili's death the hardest out of everyone. Fili had not only been his brother but his best friend, confidant, fellow troublemaker, and dearest companion, aside from you. You had grown closest to Kili throughout the journey, and one thing led to the other, and he had begun to court you. It was the happiest time of your life, for he had promised to wed you as soon as the quest was over, but the times were dark, and slowly all the happiness between you two was starting to fade. Ever since Fili's death he had grown colder and more distant towards you. You tried to be as understanding as you could, but his hostile behavior towards you was starting to become very hurtful. Every time you tried to talk to him or make him laugh you were met with a cold stare, even when you tried to stroke his arm he would flinch and wouldn't talk to you. You wondered to yourself if he even still loved you, or at least liked you. You were simply miserable and found yourself wandering the halls of Erebor crying most days, with a mixture of missing Fili and heartache due to Kili's elusiveness. Some of the dwarves who had gone on the quest were very silent these days, although some had recovered almost to their old selves. You would confide in Balin and tell him your fears about Kili, but all he said was to give him time. You listened to Balin, and gave Kili all the space he needed, but you missed him so bad. You missed the way he would whisper kind things into your ear, how he would sing silly songs to you when you needed cheering up, how he would kiss you deeply and make you forget about all the bad things happening in the world, and you missed telling him jokes and hearing his infectious laugh. His silence went on for 2 more months until one night. Your room was right next to Kili's, and you missed sneaking out of your room and crawling into bed with him all night long into the morning. It was very late at night and you were still up, laying in bed, and listening to the rain fall on the trees through your open window. All of a sudden you heard a faint sob, and you sat up in bed. "What could that be?" You wonder out loud. You get out of bed and tiptoe out of your room. You see Kili's door ajar and slip into his room quietly. He doesn't notice you. His back is turned away from the door and his shirtless form is hunched over, crying on the edge of his bed. "Oh, my prince," you sigh, tears forming at your eyes as well. You walk over to the bed and sit down beside him as you drape a blanket over his shivering form. He looks up at you with his big brown eyes as you ask him what the matter is.

"I dreamt of Fili dying all over again, but not only did he die, but you as well. I'm terrified of losing you."

"Kili, I'm so sorry, but I promise I am here, I am with you." He takes your hand and chides himself, tears still sliding down his face.

"How could I be so stupid to shut you out. You, who has always been here for me and tried to help me. I've lost you haven't I."

"Kili," you reply, "you've never lost me. I am right here with you, and I will be forever." Your promise to him only deepens his sobs, as he takes your hands and bows his head.

"I am not worthy of you, my sun." He says, sadly. You lift up his chin and take a strand of his dark brown locks, and put it behind his ear. "You are too righteous, too good for me." You kiss his trembling mouth, and gently stroke his rough cheeks.

"Of course not, my prince. I love you very dearly." You say.

"And I love you as well, my beautiful princess." Kili kisses you again, this time more passionate. His soft lips melt into yours, and you kiss back just as deeply. "Never leave me." He breathes out between kisses.

"Never." You reply. He pulls you into him, and you both lay on the bed. You snuggle on to his warm chest and kiss his jawbone. He strokes your back and you both fall into blissful sleep.

                                                                                          The End

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