Just Nine Miles Away -Zach Aplin Love Story-

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face and- Wait no, I woke up the sound dogs barking and parents yelling. I sighed, it was Monday. I picked up my phone, seeing a few Instagram notifications. I check my profile: 1.2k. "very impressive" I tell myself. I quickly go over to Zach's profile, liking new pictures and commenting on some, just the usual "Ilysm" and "Zach you're my inspiration, I love you". I sighed, knowing he wouldn't notice me, but a girl can dream right? I walked to my bathroom and glanced in the mirror. I saw the old cuts on my arms. "Two days clean, Tamaria. You can do it" I whispered. I hopped in the shower, washing my body and hair, then getting out. I quickly fixed my hair, threw on my uniform, added a little bit of mascara and got ready to go to hell.

I sat in my seat on the bus, by myself, listening to the southing voice of Ed Sheeran. I guess I should tell you about myself. my name is Tamaria. Tamaria Cobb. 15 years old. SCHS. Saint Cloud, Florida. I hate my school. I have friends, but its just, people are racist because of my race. I don't let it get to me, but it's hard having eyes stare at you as you walk in the halls. I have medium length black hair, brown eyes, and dimples. I'm in love with Zach Aplin. He's perfect. Well, to me he is. He's just so adorable and his voice is amazing.

I took out my headphones, shoved them in my bookbag and got off the bus. The bright sun shinned on my face, bringing a smile. I walked over to my best friend, Katie. "Hey girly!" She said giving me a hug. I smiled "Hey girl" I said. We started walking in the building of firery hell, oops typo. School. "Did you do science homework?" She asked. "Shit" I whispered. "It's okay, me either" She said giggling. Then they started walking by. The cheerleaders. They hated me. Why? Because one, they just do. Two, because for tryouts this year, their stunt fell and blamed it on me. Was it my fault? Nope. DId I get in trouble? Hell yeah I did.  Cierra bumped into me. "Watch where you're going you nigger" She hissed, and her little posy walked behind her, glaring at me. "I hate them so much" Katie said, glaring at them walking away. "Same here"

"And that's why-" RRRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!! Yes, only lunch then 2 more periods. I grabbed my binder and walked out to my locker to see Katie and her boyfriend, Austin, kissing. It was cute, then gross. I sighed and stuffed my binder into my locker and grabbed her away from Austin and started walking to lunch. "I was in the middle of something important!" Katie said stumbling. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yes, because kissing is important" I said in sarcasm. "Just get your food so we can sit down and talk"

"You're not eating?" Katie asked, a mouth full of salad. I sighed. "No, I really don't have an appetite" I lied. I was starving, but I can't just eat and not gain wait like Katie does. So I've stopped eating. Just until the summer. Then I'll try to start eating. Try. "Hello? Earth to Tamaria" Katie said in a sing-song voice. "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry. I just can't wait for this week to be over, than spring break!" I said in relief. "You should stay with me for the break! We can go to the beach, and go swimming, and go to the mall and-" She was cut off. "Don't get too far into break now. It's only, sadly, a week" I said, laughing. "Yeah, Yeah" she said rolling her eyes.

Finally, 8th period. I grabbed a piece of paper and started doodling. I wrote 'Zach Aplin' with a heart in different ways. Cursive, bubble letters, box letters. I was finishing up when snatch. Cierra toke it. "Shit" I whispered. "Zach Aplin? Isn't that the boy who is incredibly instagram famous and super hot?" She asked. I looked down. "Why would he want you? You're disgusting, ugly, and just, ew" She yelled in my face. She crumbled up the paper and threw it in my face. She and her little posy started laughing. I laid my head down, and silently sobbed. 

"FInally home!" I said, walking into the vacant house. I mean, when you have a dad in the army and a mom who is a doctor, you can't really expect a lot of 'family time'. I walked up the stairs, tossed my book bag into my closet, homework can be dealt with later, and grabbed my phone and ipod. I started blasting Ed Sheeran, singing along to Kiss Me. I unlocked my phone and quickly went to Zach's profile. He posted the cutest picture and at the end of the caption is said,  "somebody kik me". This was my chance. Maybe he would reply and we could talk. I wasn't going to get my hopes up though. He lives in Alabama and I live in Florida. That's forever away. I went to kik and typed in his username. How should I start the coversation? Hi? Hey? Hello? Greetings? Salutations from Loserville? No. I'll just say Hey. SImple, but cute. I sent the message and locked jogged downstairs to get some water. I was walking back upstairs when I heard a faint ding. It wasn't any ordinary ding. It was the Kik noise

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