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My throat still ached, though the dull burn was more prominent now. I looked through the throng of children I had always known, searching for the one face I knew I could turn to at a time like this.

"Sammy?!" Marissa screamed form behind me, running into my back and enveloping me in a death grip. I smiled at the familiarity; I had missed her so much. "Your back? I thought you were dead! There was a rumour going around that you were pregnant, and murdered and in a coma!!!" She wailed, hitting my forearm surprisingly hard, although it did not hurt like it used to. I smiled again at her motherly ways, always looking out for me, even when I didn't need it, I was perfect now.

"Well, as you can see, I'm fine. I just needed a little while off, I had the flu. There's nothing wrong now." I grinned at her to ease her pain. Once her face relaxed, I looked over her complexion, her coconut eyes holding worry and the creases in her brow evidence of her stupid over-analyzing. She sighed and sagged her shoulders, letting go of all her stresses and bringing a huge smile onto her face, just for me.

"Come on, we've got maths, Daniels's in!" She dragged me along the hallways towards the old math room and yanked the door wide open, as if to present me to the room. She waved over to some empty seats and I sat down, ready for an hour of questions and stares. I turned my head to my left, looking towards were Daniel sat, with his laughing and joking, macho friends. I could feel him gazing happily at the side of Marissa's head, not listening to his perverted friends' stupid arguments over who 'banged the most chicks' in one week. I could hear it from here and it was all making me rather nauseous.

"He's staring at you," I whispered loud enough for her to hear, making her smile in her wicked way and flip her blonde hair. I could hear him sigh lovingly from here. I couldn't help but laugh loud enough for the teacher to hear.

"Miss Blake? Do you mind sharing the joke with the class?" My smile died immediately

Everything's back to normal, I guess...

I sighed, and looked toward the crooked nosed bitch called Mrs Bonning. This is what usually happens. I laugh, or talk just a little too loudly, she notices and tries to make a fool out of me, I let her and get a detention. Though somehow today I didn't feel like putting up with her shit.

"Actually no, I don't mind. I was just thinking of how similar you are to the dodo." I said in the bitchiest voice I could conjure. And Marissa, being Marissa, instantly caught on.

"Hey, ain't they supposed to be extinct?" She asked with a voice that was nothing but pure curiosity.

'That's my little actress!' I thought.

"Oh snap!" yelled Daniel and his goofy friends. I just burst into giggles again, just from looking at his awed face, from when he looked at Marissa. They both liked each other, it was a wonder they hadn't gone out yet. I spent the short while I had examining the way they looked at each other. There was only one thing to call it; Soul Mates. I felt their love for each other, and when I did, my throat started to burn, and scream. I doubled over in pain, coughing. Marissa immediately tried to help, and pushed people out of my way so I could go outside, and catch some air.

I felt Daniel behind us, I felt his worry, but his love was suffocating me. I had to get away. So I did the only thing I could do.

I ran.

I ran from my best friend, her soul mate, and my prison.


I'd come to rest on the swings at the park outside my house. I couldn't go back; I feared that the feeling of suffocating would come again. So gathering up my courage, I walk home, to where my mother was working on her laptop, toward a serious talking to.

I open the front door, and shout out; "Mum, I'm home."

As I had predicted, she runs down the stairs away from her studio.

"It's..." She looks at the clock, "TEN AM?! What the fucking hell are you doing back home?!"

She has a murderous expression face, and I cower a little. I just look at her and then my knees buckle.

"I...I just...I just...can't." I look up at her with tears in my eyes. I see how confused she is, how she doesn't understand why I am so upset. She probably won't ever know. I mean how can I tell her that I feel others emotions? She'll have me branded as a crazy person, for sure.

"Samantha... I don't know what happened...But it can't have been from you just missing TWO days of school. Have you not recovered from your cold?" She looks at me with concerned eyes.

I just look at her; I can't tell her the truth I look up at her with tears in my eyes. I see how confused she is, how she doesn't understand why I am so upset. She probably won't ever know. I mean how can I tell her that I feel others emotions? She'll have me branded as a crazy person, for sure.

I just look at her; I can't tell her the truth, so I just go with what she says.

"I...feel horrible...Mum...please, help." I start crying, not knowing why.

I see so many things cross her face. Then she finally settles on sighing, she gives up, and tells me;

"Go up to your room, get changed, and I will bring you some tea, and sandwiches."

I do as she says, but fall asleep as soon as my head hits my pillow.



Hi, I forgot to put this before, I have to give credit to my awesome best friend for co-writing this chapter with me! She is awesome, and when you read this, Pamela, I just want you to know that you are awesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2011 ⏰

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