chapter 15- The week of homecoming

Start from the beginning

Text Time:
Punk: Lost and I have a lot meeting 2 attend 2 after School
Mom:K... C u 2 when it's Over
Punk: K...

Then with that she put the phone away and helped with the cupcakes. The teacher came and look at how good the girls were coming a long with the new cupcakes.
Home economics teacher: Those look really good girls. The homecoming court is gonna love those.
Lost: Thank.. We waned to do our best, so we get the most votes for the crowning of homecoming queen queens.
Punk: that would make us so happy.
Random student speaks Out: you dikes don't need to be the winners. The school should banned gay's and lesbians from being nominated. Lost I'm so pissed off at you right now.
The Teacher: Go to the principals office right now. Lost we don't speak out like that in class and don't allow people to use language like that toward people like that. Lost they have a right to do what they want if the school allows them to do so.

With that the random student got up and wennt straight to the principals office to get their fucking punishment they deserved right now.
When school was over the girls got their cupcakes and went straight to the meeting that w take place. They let everyone taste the cupcake they made a little while ago. The meeting was telling them they had to have the dress or suit they will be wearing at school on ffriday, so they could get pictures for the year book. So, lost that ment when the girls got done here they will have to plan a day this week to get a dress before Friday. The meeting was really short. So, lost they got to go home within 15 minutes.

When the girls Got done they went straight home to figure out the day they wanted to do all this important dress shopping.
Mom: is that you, Girls?
Punk: Yes, mom it's us. We have to go shopping for a dress asap because they wanna take pictures for the year book and have it for the game Friday for homecoming.
Mom: when do you girls wanna do This?
Lost: Wednesday, sounds like a good day to go and look for one at the dress store at the mall.
Mom: sounds good. I'll give you girls the credit card to get one. Lost just don't go over board and spend too much, please.
Punk: we won't mom. Lost Thanks!!!

With that the girl's went up to their room and spent some intament time together before they had to go to bed soon for school.

Today was the big shopping day for me the girls to find the perfect dress for the dance. They couldn't wait. When the girls got up from sleeping they started to talk about what they were gonna do for today.
Lost: How do u wanna do this whole shopping for a dress after school Today?
Punk: how bout we pretend to get ready and go to school, lost but instead we got to the mall and look or a dress and hang out for the day Together?
Lost: That sounds like a totally great idea. Lost would love to spend the whole day off school with you.
Punk: then that's the plan we are gonna go with then.
so, lost with that they got ready and left the house. Punk's Mom thinks the girls are gonna be going to school, lost but the girls knew they weren't.
The girls went down to the locals bus stop and caught the bus that would take them to the mall. This should be a nice day since they don't have to go to school since they skipped it.
Lost:'my so glad we are doing this. I'm not worried if we get caught either.
Punk: We need the whole day because this is gonna be such a special day on Saturday. If we get caught it should be fine. My mom should understand it takes a while to find something you are looking for.
Lost: yeah.. Half the time I don't know what I want, so it will take some time today.
When the bus arrived at the mall the girls went inside for the day of shopping for the perfect dress. They walked around the place for a bit before they went into a store to start locking. They had a long day to waste before they had to be home for school the next day for sure.
Soon as the girls got done walking around out side the stores they finally went inside to look at some of the dresses they had and try yhem on to see how they look on them. Lost plus, lost they had to see which place had the best deals on them as well since her mom said not to spend too much on the at all. They looked and tried some on then went to go eat some luchador at the food court around 12pm. They were getting hungry and this was usually the time they were gonna be eating lunch at school anyway.
Lost: Text mom and ask her what time do we need to be home, they sowed aren't home to early or too late.
Punk: Sounds like a good idea. They don't wanna make this too obvious that right now.

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