Chapter 3 - Lunch with 'Miss Paulson'

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"Do you mind answering that, that's the third time."

"What?" I groaned wiping drool off my face, wow I'm so attractive in the morning.

"Your phones been going off." Chloe said making her way to my bed and ripping the covers from me. "Who's Sarah?" she had a smirk on her face.

No one, I think it's Josh playing a prank." I pulled the covers back up only to have them ripped back again. "Chloe I swear to God, let me sleep."

"You need to get ready for your date with Sarah." she winked at me. That bitch read my messages.

"I hate you. It's not a date and it's Josh." I pushed her off the bed and made my way the bathroom, better go confront that son of a bitch for messing with me.

'Wow I look hot.' I thought, my hair was out of place sticking out in all directions. I put on little make-up and brushed my teeth, now I had to find the perfect outfit. I searched my wardrobe for the best thing I could find , I put on a burgundy crop top an a white skirt with black heels. Brushing my hair back I looked at my phone to check the messages.

'S: you can call me Sarah'

'S: never mind you were being flirty weren't you ;)'

'S: where to for lunch? x'

Sticking to it, I'll give him points for that. I sent the address of where to meet and grabbed my bag and my keys before heading out. I called a taxi and gave the directions of where to go. I thought over what I was going to do once I got to the restaurant, just walking in should be fine but what if I end up sitting for hours and nobody even shows up. Why was I even doing this! I guess part of me hopes Sarah would actually be there. Without realising we had arrived, I paid my fair and waited outside the doors. I couldn't do this, I wasn't letting him make me look like an idiot.

'R: Can you just drop the act now, I feel like an idiot for even going along with it in the first place! I couldn't possible feel any more of one after basically throwing wine over her.'

'S: who do you think I am? Wha??'

'R: Really Josh? It's not funny anymore.'

"My names Sarah but you can call me Josh if you want." I heard a voice call behind me. Oh holy shitballs. "Uh hey my names Josh, want to go get something to eat?" she said deepening her voice.

"I thought you were, I-I didn't think--" I couldn't speak! She looked absolutely breath taking, she wore a short white dress with a grey blazer and wore black heels. Everything about her was perfect.

"Don't worry babe, let's go grab some food and talk about sports and cars." she kept up the voice.

"Really, sports and cars?" I asked opening the door for her.

"Hell yeah, I'm all into motor sport." she laughed, damn she was adorable.


We finished our meals and we waited for desert, Sarah insisted we share a chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream. "Here we go ladies, enjoy." the waitress placed the cake in front of us.

"This looks better than sex." Sarah spoke up, gaining an awkward laugh from me.

"You mean you'll enjoy it more than sex?" I corrected her.

"Whatever I don't care, give me a room and this cake and I'll show it a good time." we both took a spoonful of the desert letting out signs it was delicious. "So I noticed the accent, where are you from?" she asked taking another mouthful.

"I'm from the UK, I've always wanted to move out here and my friend told me there was a job opening in my area so I flew here and took it." I smiled setting down my spoon.

"You moved here to be a waitress?" she asked surprised.

"Well no, I've always dreamt of moving here since I was a kid and the job was just convenient. I mean I need to earn money from somewhere." I gave a shy laugh. "I'm only here for a year though before I head home to see my family." she ate the last bit of desert and looked to me as though it was the worst thing she'd heard.

"How long have you been here?"

"About three weeks now, you're not getting rid of me that easily Paulson." I winked and her smile returned. This felt so comfortable to be with her, just because she's well know I always thought she'd be different, not like any other person you walk past on the street, but she was.

"I don't plan to." she barely whispered.

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