Lussuria did not fuss over her choice of food for a change and just placed her glass of strawberry milk at her seat. Belphegor grinned at her to which Phantasma hissed. Mammon was seething beneath the hood that hid her expression but the salamander knew its mistress's temper well enough.

Mammon was close to breaking point now. The infuriating blonde seemed to show no signs of stopping anytime soon. All the Varia members were aware of the dark aura growing. It would not be soon before Uroboros would be unleashed upon whichever poor soul was a fool enough to incur the wrath and pull out the last straw of control the illusionist had.

"M-m-m-m-Mammon... th-the b-b-boss has ca-called for y-you..." a poor subordinate trembled as he relayed the message from the almighty boss. Mammon turned sharply to face the man. His terror filled cried were heard throughout the mansion and all the Varia members prayed silently for the poor man. He would be compensated by the Vongola but his mental scars would never be erased.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

Belphegor was having a good time. He enjoyed seeing how Mammon was trying so hard to remain emotionless. It was certainly rare to see the money loving arcobaleno display any sort of emotion and he was definitely not going to let this chance pass him by without so much of a try. Fran had told him frankly he was pushing it and he might die but the blonde could not care less. He stabbed the frog and was done with it. After all he was a genius and he was this close to uncovering Mammon's secret.

Xanxus had sent them on a mission on Belphegor's request not that Mammon cared. It was a good chance to commit murder and dispose of the annoying blonde after all. Mammon had this weird feeling whenever the mad prince grinned at her. She knew he was only toying with her but somehow that feeling in her supposedly non-existent chest did not stop. The fluttering and warm feeling settled down in her chest all the way to her stomach making her body warm all over. It was also difficult to maintain an indifferent expression around the charming yet immature boy.

Logic told her it was wrong to like a person so twisted in nature but the heart she newly discovered refused to listen. "I am a lot older than he is. Ever since time froze when I was fifteen it had been at least thirty years that passed. This makes me a good forty-five years of age and that blonde idiot is only sixteen for crying out loud! I can't like someone like that... I'm not a cougar! Besides, wasn't I asexual or something?"

While she was following Belphegor and lost in her thoughts she failed to realize how their environment changed. The streets suddenly became deserted and Belphegor smelled blood in the air. His blood lusty nature was taking over his logical self.

"Mammon..." he whispered. Mammon snapped out of her thoughts. Belphegor was tense and she knew immediately something was wrong. For better measures, she casted out Viper's mirage over the town while using telepathy to sieve information out from the ambushers nearby.

"Bel... there are three to the right flank and two ahead in disguise. The town is in my jurisdiction but you should still be careful. There is a mist user among them. I cannot sense him."

Belphegor grinned. "All the better to play Mammon... none of them are leaving here alive because the Prince is here to play Ushishishi~"

Mammon had a bad feeling about how things would turn out. Her premonitions were never wrong. She also knew that when the blonde decided on something it was difficult to make him change his mind.

Knives were thrown and wires were set. The prey was bound to end up dead and Belphegor was proud of his craft. His success rates in completing missions were all 100%, unlike a certain perverted lightning man who only had a lousy 99.8%.

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