One Shot

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Author's Note: This is for the people who commented on another fic's link on my Facebook page (Search Destiny Aitsuji). Yes I caught something about Bel x Fem!Mammon even though I didn't know the language they were using so here is a little something I hope everyone who chanced upon this enjoys it?

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

She walked past him wordlessly. After the curse had been lifted things were slightly different. It took three months before the cursed seven were returned back to their adult form completely. The growing process was difficult. Their bodies were forced to develop at astonishing speed. The growing pains of having bones and muscle and skin stretch at a rate too quickly made Mammon unable to take on any missions until she was fully grown.

Even though she had regained her powerful form, none of the Varia members discovered her secret. As a baby it was easily overlooked but now that she had grown the changes should have been slightly more prominent but no one noticed it, not even Lussuria. To be honest Mammon was a little hurt because her feminine nature was ignored. However it was not a bad thing. At least she could pretend for a little longer that she was not in love with a certain blonde.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

The Prince wandered around the overly large mansion. Who was he kidding, it was a castle fit for him and the boss. The others were pests running around. Usually he would kill the pests on sight or at least attempt to in order to keep himself entertained. However in the past few months he noticed something different.

The money loving baby had stopped taking on missions and also had started to grow. Belphegor was excited because he wanted to see the gender ambiguous baby in full form. The arcobaleno was insanely strong as an infant and the assassin genius wanted to see how strong the arcobaleno truly was when in full form. To be honest he was slightly disappointed to know that the full grown Mammon was a shorty. He expected a stronger opponent.

However Belphegor was starting to think if there was a reason why Mammon even if fully grown was still a tad smaller than all the other arcobalenos. Except for Lal and Luce, who had passed away, all the other arcobalenoes were males.

"Unless Mammy-chan has been lying all these while... Ushishishi~ the Prince shall uncover the truth himself."

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

Mammon was annoyed. No, annoyed was an understatement. She was extremely pissed off. From how Belphegor tried to stalk her everywhere from the bedroom to the bathroom to the training room and Mammon was going insane. The mocking laughter in the shadows kept on driving her nuts. Mammon was not even sure anymore if Belphegor was the real deal or the materialization of her illusions. "Ushishi~" has made its way into Mammon's hated vocabulary not that it should be considered one in the first place.

The illusionist was on guard constantly even at night. Her sleep cycle was messed up and being a sleep deprived illusionist, she was not a person to be trifled with. The Varia mansion was deathly quiet on the fourth day. No one made a sound when Mammon glided past them, not even Squalo or Lussuria. Xanxus was also relatively less angry. In fact an occasional ghost of a smirk appeared on his usual scowling face. When the trash was angry it was interesting. He had kept his tabs on a certain blonde moron and it seemed as if things were going to liven up again. The shark trash was unusually silent which is a pleasant change was for once.

Mammon trudged to the kitchen and threw the door open with her psychic powers. Opening the door using her hands would be too main stream for someone of her caliber.

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