Give it a shot.

433 15 9

It was like any other day on campus in Monster University. Today was nice, it was sunny and scarce of clouds. Rather than enjoying the beautiful day you're stuck in class, learning about how to strike fear into human children. You heave a sigh and rest your head between your hands. You search around the room for anything that was remotely more interesting than the professor. Sadly, there was not much to catch your eye besides a few monsters who were about as equally as bored as you. Before returning your focus to the teacher, you hear some distant arguing a few rows down. You look to see the Perry brothers. You can't quite hear what they were whispering about but you spot some silly doodles on their notebook and some half erased or scribbled out. You can't help but giggle at their silly sibling arguments and how you found it kind of cute. You don't know much about them to be honest other than their names and that they belong to the supposedly lamest sorority on campus, Oozma Kappa. You found yourself unable to avert your attention from them, naturally you suppose, since they were the only ones making a small scene in the rather silent classroom. The professor interrupts your daze and you dart your eyes to meet your professor's. He gives you a unimpressed look and places a paper on your desk. Glancing down you see a bold 'F' circled on your paper followed with a, " See me after class".

Feeling embarrassed you groan to yourself and bury your face into your arms and wait until the class is dismissed. Once most of the class has left, you glance around to notice a few other monsters still in the class which made you more at ease seeing as you weren't the only one who bombed.

After the students had received their lectures, it was time to get yours. You slug over to the professor's desk and he asks for your paper. Shyly handing it to him he begins reviewing the paper and saying how you can do so much better than this. He removes his glasses and places it on his desk. He gives you a exhausted look and finally adds, " Look, I know you're not normally a problematic student so I'm going to let you retake the test but you must pass this time or you will have issues passing this class for the rest of the course."

You smiled at him and thanked him for the second chance and he dismisses you. You leave the classroom and wince at the bright sunlight that pierces your eyes. You take one last look at your paper and frown. You didn't really study for this thing and you don't plan to start now, maybe someone could help you out? Maybe give you the answers? You ponder for a bit and go with your first option; but who would even tutor you? Pretty much everyone in your class is either dumb as a doornail, or snooty as hell and wouldn't bat an eye to help you out. Your stomach distracts you from your thoughts and you figure its time to go eat something, deal with this stuff later, and you head towards the cafeteria. You pick out your food and take it outside as the cafe was way too crowded for your taste, and you search for a vacant table. You take notice that those Perry brothers from earlier are sitting by themselves. Then you get an idea and begin to make your way towards them. One of them was reading a heavy book followed with some coffee, while the other brother, seemed to be pestering the other who was deep into his studies. You slow your walk when you make it closer to them, you try to get their attention by simply saying hello. The one in his studies only glances at you for a mere second and briefly greets you. The other peeks from his brother's side and waves smiling like a goof and you can't help but smile back.

"Mind if I sit here? I hate sitting with large groups of students." You ask already taking a seat, kind of making that request meaningless. You place your food on the table and quickly think of something to start some small talk. You figure to start by asking them their names since you only really know their last names. "You guys are the Perry brothers right?" you quickly asked.

"Yes." Answers the one brother with the double horns, who seemed to be irritated that someone interrupted his reading.

"Sure are!" the other brother with the uni-horn, he seemed more interested in you and more social compared to his sibling. You introduce yourself and await for them to tell you their names.

"I'm Terry with a y." the studious brother answers finally looking up from his book.

"And I'm Terri with an I!!" excitedly answered the other cyclops. You try to warm up to them more by asking them about what else they're taking classes for. While Terri is immediately interested, you cannot seem to get Terry's attention. Terri noticed you glancing at his brother with a discouraged look on your face. "Don't mind Terry, he's not good with talking to people." Terri stated; Terry rolled his eye and continued reading. You decided to get to the point, seeing as you had mainly got one of their interest. "Hey um..." you pause and nervously look around, " I really don't want to bother you guys but do you think it would be too much trouble if you could help me with something?" you finally request. Terry seemed a bit more interested now and looked up a bit from his book. Terri, who was about to agree, bit his tongue and stuttered, "Well uh...What do you need help with?" he didn't want to seem desperate for himself or his brother seeing as they both shared a body. You answer him saying how you kinda of bombed the last test and you were given a chance to retake it.

"You see I'm not exactly good at studying and to be honest I didn't really get the material when we were going over it." you feel a bit dumb saying that. Terri elbows Terry and gives him a look that you can't seem to read but apparently its a face Terry has seen before. The two begin to argue silently while you sit there picking at your food awaiting their answer. Not too long after their quarrel, you see Terri looking rather smug and Terry looking defeated. Gosh what adorable dorks. They offer to help you out and the three of you head out to a more secluded area. You start to feel a bit accomplished since things seem to be working out how you planned. You all stop at a cute little house and tilt your head thinkin why the hell would they bring you here. You chuckle and joke," Is this your mom's house?"

Terri nervously turns around, "This is our sorority house." You stop laughing. Fuck. You apologize for the joke but they paid no mind to it, adding that other sororities have called them worse. Shit. You feel really bad now. The three of you all make your way into the house and head upstairs. You noticed there was a cute lady cleaning around the house when you entered, she didn't notice you all entering. They lead you what looks like their room. It was a bit cramped with a large bed against the wall. Without really thinking you sit down on the bed and bouncing slightly. Your sorority house doesn't have soft beds like this, lame. You focus back on Terry and Terri, who seem to be getting books to help you with your study. They sit beside you and sprawl out a few books that were extremely bulky. You try not to whine at the dumb amount of work they're about to give you and try not to make a face. It didn't take too long for them to get into the lesson. A good half hour passed and while you were listening the first few moments of the talk then you just sorta...zoned out. Staring blankly at the books below, you start to examine the two as they are deeply explaning something you probably should be listening to. You look at their crooked buck teeth, and how their teeth reflected each other. How cute. The dorky sweaters they wore, and just how into the lesson they were. You hault in your thoughts and think why the heck are you obsessing over these cute losers. Damn it! There you go again. You slowly tune back into what they were talking about and you are more lost than you were before. You feel like you're pushing it decide to speak out.

"Hey...Sorry um..." They both pause and look up at you wondering why you had them stop.

"I'm....really not getting this. Maybe..." You bite your lip and feel your cheeks tingle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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