Chapter One

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The feeling of free diving is like being on cloud nine, the life under the water is a where only a few people of this world know the magic of.

A perk in Blue, I wouldn't know what I'd do without the ocean, the ocean is my everything and pretty much my best and only friend.

Its what I'd call home. Some people say a person is their home or a special place but mine is the ocean. The only thing where it doesn't question me to death or tell me what I'm going to do with my life.

I come back up to the surface of the water, pushing the water out of my face, I take in the salty air around me. The sun was almost touching the water, which only means its time to head back, back to the yelling and disapproving looks they were only too familiar to me.

My long strokes cut the surface of the water, towards the beach that I never really wanted to reach.

My family wanted me to be searching for jobs because sooner or later I needed one, it was laws of The Puzzle, it was originally named that because there is six regions, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Purple and Black. Each region supplied one product or another. Yellow, their crops such as vegetables and meat. Green, wood or their talents of making things out of wood. Red, they were pretty much the people who did most things like for example, planning a wedding or they painted the art that's on your wall. 

Black, all the factories that make glass or the big warehouses that always look haunted. Purple, with the palace of Mlai, they manage all the treasury and our wages. Last of all, my "home", Blue, we supply the other regions with sea food and other things like shells for decorations and things that are "beachy".

I had reached where the land met the sea and stood up, shaking the water out of my hair. I grabbed my towel where I had placed it on some rocks. 

My feet left wet footprints when I left, the sand sticking all over my feet, I'll probably get a lecture from dad from leaving sand all over the place. Yippee!... Note sarcasm 

My family, well everyone else in my family, from one glance you would call uptight. They all they are the epitome of perfect. Including my older brother, Luke who, once upon a time I could count on, but now mum and dad had twisted him into something he will never be. 

My feet now pad down the wooden path walk away from the calming sound of the ocean. I tighten my grip on the towel that was wrapped around me, to keep the nippy breeze away from my bare skin that only had a bikini to cover it.

A piece of paper a been caught in the wind and it tumbled towards me, I bent over to pick up the paper when it gotten within my reach, snatching it up from the ground my eyes scanned over it.

50th anniversary Divers Competition makes it to Daley Beach once again!

Once again the divers competition is here with us, celebrating its 50th! We will be yet again searching for another 20 divers to fill the job spots for these five years. As you probably all know we will have 20 balloons dropped to the bottom of the sea for you divers to go find. These balloons will be in a certain area in the ocean that you will have to go find. But this there is a twist! Dun dun dun....... we will only be allowing you to have a mask, flippers and a wet suit. No weights, tank or anything else permitted. It will held on day 13,4784, make sure you come or you will miss the competition of a life time!!

I fold the paper in my hand making a fist over it, making sure no one will notice it when I walk in, my thought twist into a mini storm, could this have been what I have been waiting for? But without a tank what will I do? Will my parents actually help me do this? I sigh, why the hell not, I thought. I'm going to do this.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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